Anyone else notice that the building that Birdman lives on top of is extremely similar inside to the building that you find the first runner bag in from the first mirrors edge? There's also the same writing on the wall in the first game and in this one that says "Any1 see L? Leave mark plz" "soorry gl!!

"If you see a rat the size of a car, you're playing the wrong game."
But then again that is not an easter egg since it happens so many times now is it? But it is a reference to a ME1 Easter egg so I guess you can count it as one. You can shoot with a sniper in ME1 and if you shoot the correct things a huge rat runs through the street.
I wonder if there's an actual giant rat easter egg in it, like in the first game. We should make a list of all nine dot logo to figured it out.
It's epic !
Yes it is, it replaces a train this time
Thank you, I already noticed.
I also noticed the rat doesn't have animations, it could have been implemented better I think, like some GodziRat in the background of the city.
In the first game, you can see it just after "snipe the truck".
Is NO ONE else bothered by the fact that, while the places /are/ similar, the vent and walls are on opposite sides in both games???