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"Finishing Move" — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
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"Finishing Move"

While playing the beta, I noticed the last enemy you had to defeat had this really cool 3rd person cutscene of Faith basically destroying the KSEC guard. But when I did those missions where you would head to those big antenna's, defeat the KSEC guards, and destroy the antenna, it didn't have the finishing move on the last enemy. I feel that every side mission, or story mission that you go on, should have that "Finishing Move" when defeating KSEC. Anyone else agree?


  • I only experienced 2 or 3 third person take downs. But i think since it was the beta, it didn't really have that element complete yet. So i reckon that in the full game you will possibly have a third person take down experience on every last Ksec guard. And i'll be honest, I am very impressed with the third person take downs, i think its a very nice touch to the combat, and they look so cool!!! I really think that aspect is a good choice.
  • I agree, it does add a really cool element to the game!
    Lorn Maverick
  • My understanding was that as long as you are still within range of another KSec guard's line of sight or the line of sight of the helicopter it won't count the last person in the squad as the last member in the group. Third person finishers only occur when the last enemy in an area is defeated. I was able to make it happen as long as you didn't pull the part out of the antenna.
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