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ME:C Launch Trailer is here!
Released yesterday. There were definitely some cool moments/locations shown off here. A bit of new story and audio as well, I think. Thoughts? Anyone care to join me on the hype train?
The City itself looks... I don't know, maybe a bit too futuristic imo. Glass in the original ME looked like a normal city, but the new Glass? It seems we jumped few decades forward. I gotta admit, I prefer Glass' visuals from the previous game. It had a nice atmosphere.
But I'm still excited about the game and can't wait to get my preorder.
Totally agree
Yeah, fingers crossed on the graphics. I have it pre-ordered on XB1 so I'm gonna have the worst of it on that end. As for the city, I'm a sucker for futuristic, ultra-modern aesthetics, so I actually like the new Glass better. It sort of feels like a combination of the visuals from first game and the abstract DLC areas, but a bit more sleek. At first I was worried that it looked a little too clean to fit with Faith's line in the first game: "The city used to pulse with energy. Dirty and dangerous, but alive and wonderful". But the Downtown district and especially the ground level segment in the tutorial still gave me that dirty, real, lived-in vibe.
You can see a big change, it looks really good!
Ohhh nice find! I'm surprised to see how much it has changed. I'm wondering how old of a build that beta was compared to what we're getting on release. On a different note I hope these improvements and changes do not affect PC performance. I was getting a solid 60-70 FPS max settings in 2k and I would hate to drop under that any.
If previous DICE games are any indication, Star Wars Battlefront had some signifigant performance improvements from the Beta to release. I don't know first hand because I upgraded from a laptop to a gaming PC in between.
I'm stuck on laptop because I have my mom's and my dad's house
I'm hyped too and the release trailer only strengthened that hype, especially with that pretty new Elysium building oh la la
On the part about the city looking too futuristic, I'm pretty sure Glass in both the original and Catalyst are stylistically based off Tokyo (if you've seen some downtown areas in Tokyo, you'll probably know what I mean). This would also explain the sometimes crowded buildings and structures, as they are a result of extreme overpopulation within the confined space. The first game was more modern while Catalyst is near future. There are areas in Tokyo, however, even now that give off that same catalyst vibe.
Going to link to an imgur album of examples so I don't spam the wall with physical images. I present, Tokyo:
The Anchor wins it all in my opinion. The second one is The Downtown and the third one, The View.
Right after that comes the 2013 E3 debut trailer because it's still so dynamic.
All the rest of the trailers equally after that. I like them all.
The "I am Faith" trailer was cool because it gave us a glimpse of the game's story, but my favorite is "Why We Run." The way it flows together and works with the trailer's score makes it feel cinematic and overall amazing.
Those are really cool pictures! It does look really similar.