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Early verdicts? — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
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Early verdicts?

Only been waiting for this game for 8 years, being a colossal fan of the original. I was, frankly, utterly underwhelmed by the beta. But that was...a beta, so I didn't want to judge.

From what I'm seeing on this board, response is so far mixed.

I'm a little low on funds right now hence holding off buying the game (although it's not out for a couple of days here in UK) but the feedback seems critical of the graphics and the game's size.

It looks like the final game isn't really that much more than the beta was, going by what I'm seeing here. Which is a mammoth disappointment if the case.

Also sincerely hope, if it matures through patches etc, that it will fully support SLI.


  • Game needed more time to bake imo, same thing as NFS Rivals, EA shoulda delay it for atleast 6 more months and fine tune it.
  • Teto
    137 posts
    That can be fixed with patches.
  • I think it's pretty good. Runs pretty well on my machine on Hyper settings. I am pretty much running the recommended specs. i7 4770K, GTX 970, 16 GB RAM
  • dandrix wrote: »
    Game needed more time to bake imo, same thing as NFS Rivals, EA shoulda delay it for atleast 6 more months and fine tune it.

    It does seem most share your view. 8 years of waiting and it's just an ordinary game with technical problems. Few are actually blown away by it. Although, in truth, the original wasn't exactly a big hit either - it was a hard core of us who worshipped it despite its flaws. I never understood why they 'remade/reboot/revisualised' it. Maybe wanting more commercial success given the original's potential?
  • PS4 version isn't anywhere near finished for final release. IMO it's the least polished game I have ever bought for next gen. There are some terrible glitches. Within the first 5 minutes I was knocked through a wall in a cut scene and fell through the graphics but the scene kept playing and upon the start I was in between the walls. NPC characters run and jump off invisible boxes/ledges. They also occupy the same spaces. The city is nowhere near as good looking as the first Mirrors Edge. It's grey and flat whereas the first was bright and seemed to have a further vanishing point meaning the city looked bigger and more filled in with buildings.
    I bought the Collectors Edition and being honest it will be the last one I buy period. I have shelved the game until I know the bugs have been fixed or near as can be. The graphics will not change but I can deal with that. EA and Dice should hang their heads in shame but we all know there not going to, after all they have mine and your money. We are now "paying game testers".
  • on the PS4... the core game is very awesome once again. I enjoy the open world and the art style but right now it feels too rough technically. Which kind of destroys the experience. One of the worst optimized games I bought in recent years. Ok it runs at 60fps but It really doesnt feel like it and it doesnt even feel like it needs it (maybe as a patch for the Neo if they dont know what to do with the extra power). I dont see any advantages to 60fps in an open world considering the turning motion remain very slow to help parkour. UC4 feels smoother at 30. Also this creates lots of texture loading issues. There are constant slow loading textures which is probably why it looks pretty bad. The textures themselves are pretty bad especially with shadow and gradients. They should be smoother... best exempleof this is in the first scene when faith wears a orange jumpsuit. Those dark shadows are very dirty. Those textures could be cleaned and simplified a bit. Also well cutscenes are pretty spotty in terms of fps and there are too often framedrops during parkour. Doesnt seem like much but a few frame drops while you are in the middle of a run kind of takes you out of it. Yes really I dont understand the choice of 60fps for this game. Too many compromises in terms of IQ and no real gameplay advantages. I hope they support it. This game deserves to shine technically. It's really good.
  • It's absolutely excellent and a sequel that lived up to my expectations. I really can't understand the criticism some of you have. Mirror's Edge is a racing game at heart, and Catalyst nails that. I don't care much for the story or combat, but the act of running is just as smooth as the original game, and map really is excellent. It gives you a great amount of options to move about, which is demonstrated perfectly in the Dash runs.

    In any case, I've sunk hundreds of hours into Mirror's Edge, and I'll be doing the same with Catalyst.

  • Of course, for limited testing, things are fine. but mass-testing is difficult and trying to make up for the majority of players is hard work. There's always going to be problems before the second half of the year.
  • mystygr33n wrote: »
    PS4 version isn't anywhere near finished for final release. IMO it's the least polished game I have ever bought for next gen. There are some terrible glitches. Within the first 5 minutes I was knocked through a wall in a cut scene and fell through the graphics but the scene kept playing and upon the start I was in between the walls. NPC characters run and jump off invisible boxes/ledges. They also occupy the same spaces. The city is nowhere near as good looking as the first Mirrors Edge. It's grey and flat whereas the first was bright and seemed to have a further vanishing point meaning the city looked bigger and more filled in with buildings.
    I bought the Collectors Edition and being honest it will be the last one I buy period. I have shelved the game until I know the bugs have been fixed or near as can be. The graphics will not change but I can deal with that. EA and Dice should hang their heads in shame but we all know there not going to, after all they have mine and your money. We are now "paying game testers".

    I have not seen any of these glitches on PS4.

    As far as the visuals, you need to play farther into the game to start seeing the beautiful areas. I had somewhat the same feeling after the first hour of playing, but once I got farther into the story and started exploring more of the city I was blown away by some of the architecture and crazy bright areas I came across.

    Play the Benefactor mission and then come back and write more; I guarantee you will have a different view of the city - pun intended :wink:
  • What you have to keep in mind is that people will moan and groan about anything.

    People seem to be surprised that not all of the map is playable. It was obvious to me that we would have some restrictions. A first-person game with the level of environmental interaction that ME has couldn't possibly be that large. The map is fine as is. Missions and gadget upgrades open up different parts of the map and although I am not done with the story mode, the map has become quite large in my opinion, large enough that I use fast travel when I never thought I would. Then there are one or two underground maps... yeah the world is plenty big enough. It's not freaking Skyrim and people shouldn't expect it to be.

    The movement is great and I love the combat. BUT the learning curve is sharper now and until you pick it up the game sucks for you. Newcomers might not like it at first.

    The story mode is vastly improved and while I do wish it was longer (I'm about 5 hrs in and 70ish% of the way through it) it's much better than the previous game and there are plenty of side missions, challenges, collectibles, etc. There might also be some dlc down the road.

    The only thing I'm a little salty about is the graphics in places. I've had textures pop in when I was 5 ft away and some models aren't amazing. Hair doesn't look so great. However cutscenes seem to use the in-game engine so I sort of understand. Also not a fan of how you'll find people just standing on the rooftops doing nothing.

    It has its flaws but it's overall a solid game and takes big leaps in the right direction. I don't get why people are acting like they've been stabbed in the back.
  • I was harsh with my comment but with good reason. Credit where it is due, when I turned the game back on all my bugs and glitches were gone. All the walls were present, no NPC glitches or graphic problems and the graphics themselves improved massively. I don't know if resetting the game made the update kick in but now with no problems at all I now think it's brilliant. I had such high hopes for this game and now I can enjoy it, Im even glad I bought the CE.
    The game runs smoothly with no frame rate drop experienced at all. A fluid game with great fps movement.

    As I said credit where it's due, I think it's worth the money I spent on it. A good job done by Dice and EA.

  • The game is probably about 4x the size of the beta area. Story is decent enough so far (I haven't finished it yet), but fairly short based on my percentage completion. Graphics and textures can be poor in the open world, but rest assured, there are certain views and interiors (particularly at night and in main missions) that are absolutely stunning, even on consoles. The movement and combat work the same as the beta, but you can turn off enemy health bars and the entire HUD, which I recommend. There are side missions and collectibles, which will easily extend the life of the game to 50+ hours for me. The user generated content is fun and can be turned off if you don't want to see it. The rooftops also feel a little more alive than they did in the beta. There are more KSEC encounters, people with side missions, etc. And I can't tell you how much the day night cycle improves immersion.

    The game does lack polish and value though. With game's like The Witcher 3 available for the same price, I can't honestly say you'll be getting the same value. And this definitely feels like a game that was rushed as opposed to being 8 years in the making; they really should've delayed it for at least a few more months. But if you can cope with some visual/audio bugs and really loved the first game, I doubt you'll be too disappointed. Overall I would still say that this is a better game than the first Mirror's Edge. My only major concern is that this game is helping set a new precedent of lower quality/value for AAA titles.
  • Echo127
    12 posts
    edited June 2016
    On PC the city is extremely good looking, IMO. I haven't personally had any trouble with glitches either. And the free-running is executed just as well as in the first game. My only complaint is that loading times seem longer than they should be, considering I've got an SSD.

    Edit: Forgot that you can't change your runner emblem in-game and need to use a website/app that isn't even working properly. Also a negative. It is infuriating to me that EA willingly chose to make their game objectively worse for the purpose of getting app downloads. Slimy.
  • Teto
    137 posts
    Overall I would still say that this is a better game than the first Mirror's Edge. My only major concern is that this game is helping set a new precedent of lower quality/value for AAA titles.

    I think that's a perfect digest of the game. I like it! MEC is far better than ME, but for actual standards it sucks.
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