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Poor graphics in Hyper quality — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
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Poor graphics in Hyper quality

So it's still like it was in beta. Low-res textures and very poor viewing distance. Most buildings in distance appears as boxes fill with solid color.


  • Have you tried uncapping the memory restriction?
  • Restart your game, also sometimes the game can take a sec or 2 to render in things
  • turning off restriction seem to help, but i'm getting 16-22 fps on GTX 970 then and stuttering every few secconds.
  • coth
    55 posts
    edited June 2016
    Post edited by coth on
  • Anyone tested hyper with a Titan X or 980 Ti? I have a 980 Ti Sea Hawk and I'm curious how it runs before I get home and find out for myself.
  • Mildocjr
    105 posts
    edited June 2016
    OdanUrr wrote: »
    Have you tried uncapping the memory restriction?
    Is this an in game setting or a launch argument? If it's a launch argument what is that argument?

    Found the answer was in the game settings, haven't tried adjusting my settings since beta.
  • I'm on GTX 970. Hyper textures makes it 15-20 fps on street with micro stuttering. Switched to ultra textures, microstuttering gone, fps went a bit up. Probably lack of VRAM, so GTX 980+ wouldn't have problems.

    Switching most to ultra fps rises to playable 48-55.

    hyper quality

    ultra quality
  • coth wrote: »
    I'm on GTX 970. Hyper textures makes it 15-20 fps on street with micro stuttering. Switched to ultra textures, microstuttering gone, fps went a bit up. Probably lack of VRAM, so GTX 980+ wouldn't have problems.

    Switching most to ultra fps rises to playable 48-55.

    hyper quality

    ultra quality

    Lol I went through those and felt like I was playing a spot the differences puzzle. Seems there is more traffic and buildings seem to extend their detail a bit. Shading and water is better looking.
  • Mildocjr wrote: »
    Anyone tested hyper with a Titan X or 980 Ti? I have a 980 Ti Sea Hawk and I'm curious how it runs before I get home and find out for myself.

    I get around 70-100 fps on 980 TI on Ultra running in 1080
  • coth
    55 posts
    edited June 2016
    Playing further with quality. It seems main drop comes from lighting. Over 2x fps difference between ultra and hyper. Textures brings a bit drop. But even with most ultra and hyper textures on 50-60 fps it still micro stutters. So hyper textures are unplayable on GTX 970.
  • coth wrote: »
    Playing further with quality. It seems main drop comes from lighting. Over 2x fps difference between ultra and hyper. Textures brings a bit drop. But even with most ultra and hyper textures on 50-60 fps it still micro stutters. So hyper textures are unplayable on GTX 970.

    Challenge Accepted. If it doesn't work out, looks like I'm going to be waiting a while to play ME:C on Hyper graphics.
  • Teto
    137 posts
    For best textures it's written somewhere that you need at least 4Go of memory....
  • Well the card I've got is a 6 GB card, it barely competes with a Titan X, maybe 1 or 2 FPS in difference.
  • coth
    55 posts
    edited June 2016
    some more comparison.

    2x resolution scale (basically renders 4k/2160p and draws scaled to 2k/1080p). This makes picture drastically better and sharper. But it also requires some SLI configurations. Hyper textures and hyper/HBAO lighting. Getting 8 fps in average on GTX 970. You can actually see hyper textures aren't that hyper. Still blured a bit.

    Hyper/hyper/HBAO on 1x scale. There is 4 fps, as screenshot taken during stuttering. On average 15-22 fps.

    Ultra/ultra/HBAO. 29-38 fps in average.

    Ultra/ultra/SSAO. 52-62 fps on open air in average.

    Hyper textures and Ultra/SSAO lighting. 48-54 fps on open air in average, but stutters every 4 seconds.

    forum engine bugs a bit. doubling new lines.
  • OK Just tested my 6GB 980Ti 1080p @144hz on hyper and I'm getting average 90 - 107 fps.

    You can view the fps by using the console command: PerfOverlay.DrawFPS 1

    Turning it off is: PerfOverlay.DrawFPS 0
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