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CPU usage roll call — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
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CPU usage roll call

So here is my situation. I have no patience. Iv been waiting for this game for a very long time as most of us have. i got into beta and had a great time* (ill come back to that in a sec). but as of right now i am stuck at work until 4, then i have a motorcycle course until 8 tonight. by then it will more then likly be too late for me to play so i wont be playing until tomorrow. so my question for you all is this. what is your cpu usage looking like in game.

*to come back to my * from before, when i was in beta, the game ran great, however at undetermined times, id get a crash. im not talking about crashing to desktop, or freezing. im talking my entire computer shuts off completly. doesnt restart, just shuts off. I hit the power button and it comes right back on with no error readout or anything to that extent. after this happened a few times i noticed that my cpu temp was getting very very hot and my cpu usage was at around 90 percent the majority of the time. the last time i tried to play, it crashed on me again but this time when i turned my pc back on it said my computer cpu had reached a temp of 175F and shut down for safety. obviously after that i did not play anymore. i think i had a week or so left until beta was ending so i ordered a new pc case with more fans, new heatsync, new thermal past. in the process of taking my cpu off i bent a pin and ordered a new cpu (im a big ol dummy obviously) slapped it all back together and... beta ended before everything was back haha.

anyways. report in what your cpu usage looks like. im hoping it has gone down compaired to what beta was because running at 90 percent is not going to work out too well.


  • I have an i7 4770K and it runs around 60%-70% at 3.9 GHz. No issues at all. Try running some benchmarks on your CPU to see if it is an issue with the game or the CPU itself.
  • i plan to. i just bought a brand new cpu so if i was having an issue with the cpu before, i wont be now.
  • 72-75% in average. 2500K stock clock.
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