Anyone had any luck using the Steam Controller with Catalyst? I've got a really good binding set for original Mirror's Edge, but ME:C seems to block out the Steam Overlay, and it won't pick up any of the XInput bindings from the Steam Controller, even if I set those bindings as my regular desktop bindings.
As a quick experiment I tried using my 360 pad + mouse, and it shuts out the mouse completely when there are pad inputs, which is terrible too.
I don't know why they wouldn't let it take both simultaneously. It works flawlessly in the original.
[edit]In fact, it'll only read the Desktop bindings, no matter how you set it up.
It's working for me, so gotta work for you as well
I works for me, thank you very much.
I really would never have thought of that.
Thanks again !
I mostly did it because of Uplay being a **** launcher as well, but it seems that GOG is the only launcher/client software that allows games to properly launch through Steam and thus allow Steam Controllers to be used.
I agree that it's sometimes tedious to make the steam controller work properly for non steam games, but it's possible to figure it out with some patience.
It works just fine for me.
Also, fraps can cause some problems.
How I did it is run origin through steam, launch Mirror's Edge Catalyst, then alt+tab to run fraps.
No problem.