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DRM Limits activations to 4 when new hardware is found — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

DRM Limits activations to 4 when new hardware is found

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DRM Limits activations to 4 when new hardware is found

11 posts
edited June 2016
EDIT: I just found out that every EA game has it. Consider this thread irrelevant, I would delete it but its not possible. Still, the point stays vaild, this limiter is quite dumb


  • Teto
    137 posts
    edited June 2016
    No, I have a question for guys how can answer : My PC at home as a bad connection (about 300 Ko/s) so I want to download the game at work (where it's far faster) on a ssd with Origin, and then use the same ssd and activate the game at home after downloading. This operation will count for 2 activations ?
  • I don't think it's irrelevant. I'd like to know why there's an activation limit tied to hardware. If you bought it, you bought it, period.
  • Per day. Completely irrelevant, (and actually a very good idea.)
  • Teto
    137 posts
    edited June 2016
    Oh, it's per day ? So a week I have 28 activations available ? (I'm asking that to be sure that I understand what you say)
    That's good, so I can do what I want to speed up downloading.
    Thanks. :smile:
  • Even if not per day. You still can call them and they will provide another activation manually as much as you need for your personal usage. Law is the law.
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