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FAN FEEDBACK - Old School Areas / Origin F.List Multiplayer / Full Map Size [NO -CAMPAIGN- SPOILERS] — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

FAN FEEDBACK - Old School Areas / Origin F.List Multiplayer / Full Map Size [NO -CAMPAIGN- SPOILERS]

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FAN FEEDBACK - Old School Areas / Origin F.List Multiplayer / Full Map Size [NO -CAMPAIGN- SPOILERS]

20 posts
edited June 2016
First of all, I'd really like to thank the devs for putting that much effort on this game. I can tell it just by running, noticing the ammount of details and also references to the original ME. You guys did an EPIC work, in all ways, even though I still have an outdated gpu for this game (GTX 650Ti), I'm managing to play with the graphics quality at medium and some other things at high with 40+ fps.

Going through the issues I'm having so far:

- The main being the Reflection Quality crash, where I try to change it from low to at least medium and the game crashes and keep crashing upon restarting, so I have to go on Documents/Mirrors Edge Catalyst and open/edit "PROF_SAVE_profile" to change the settings manually. I'm not the only one having this, there are others here with ultimate gpu stating the same. I really hope it's in you guys' priority list to fix.

- The constant lag and audio syncing on the cinematics, but I'm sure it is being fixed.

- The lack of an anti-aliasing option - You guys must've been thinking about the performance issues it would cause if there was an individual option for changing the anti-aliasing settings, but for those that don't have an ultimate gpu, it's really annoying to have to conform with the way the edges behave, even though the Anisotropic Filter is maxed out (16X). We could really handle our way if this setting is added on a further update.

- Sometimes while I'm running, the game starts to lag suddenly. I'm pretty sure it's due to the no-loading feature on which the game is always pre-loading the texture of the city as you advance through the areas. It's a really good feature but still needs some improvement. Of course it has something to do with the limits of my gpu which has 2GB of memory, but other people may have the same issue.

Talking about the final size of map [may have AREA SPOILERS for those who want to see for themselves]:

Well, the size of the map is really acceptable. Like, whoever complains about it when they have the entire thing unlocked, is going too far. You're running, not driving a vehicle... So if you feel like it: get over yourself.

But like I said, it's "acceptable" for a retail game. It really doesn't mean you guys should stop right there. Of course the entire community of this game, specially made by fans of the original ME (like me) and now this one, are eager to have some big areas that could really bring us back to the original one. If we talk about a full game, it's ok, but when we look at the map, it almost feels like we're trapped around the downtown area of the city, which can be disappointing for those who really got into the feels of exploring and contemplating the breathtaking of the first one.

Why am I talking alot about the "old city"? Because that's where Mirror's Edge: Catalyst came from. Of course! The "old city" of the original Mirror's Edge had that organic feeling. Ask your fans and they will instantly reply the question "Why are you guys missing the old city of Mirror's Edge?" with the answer anything like: "Because the old city felt so organic, so contemporary yet so perfect that it was almost our escape from a hard-working day and the overall stress of the real world." The main point is that you would feel more immersed in a world which is nearer to our reality than the oher option. That's why Grand Theft Auto 5 made alot of success, they mimicked Los Angeles so well that people could really feel like going on a trip and yet doing everything they want to in the city.

BUT, just because you guys made a sci-fi like city, it doesn't mean it's bad at any aspect. The city is astonishing, almost feels like paradise and The View is UNREAL. These apartment rooms' architecture with a view to the downtown skyline is perfect, the transition point from the previous area to The View, which looks like a large museum room full of holes around it is also one of the most beautiful places in the city. The area which resembles the "old city" a little do it's work as well.

Getting to the main point - After all, it's no mystery that I am particularly asking for you guys to keep expanding the city's map size for us. And btw, I'm not really rejecting the option of paying a DLC value for it, because if you guys really do what I and others are wanting, it would be worth it. And I'm sure others would do the same. So my suggestions are:

- Releasing at least one area as big as two districts of the original map's size, which pretty much BRING us back to the architecture of the original city, with malls, emergency stairwells, street alleys, secret places and why not New Eden?! The are alot of small buildings around the area on which the map navigator can go and can be the role for more this epic work. I'm not talking about copying and pasting everything (of course not), but making a full area based on the original game. I also miss the port area of the original game with the ship and stuff, that would make a good trial map.

- Multiplayer with Origin's Friends - The map already has an icon with "Other Players" on it's legend, so I'm guessing you guys are already making this possible. But if not... please, bring it for us, it would really be good to run, explore places and make real time challenges with your Origin's friends. I know it's alot of work, but I don't think a limit of 3-5 people would ruin the game's experience. Just look at you guys' cousin Dying Light!

- Workshop - This one is unlikely to happen, but a guy here asked for this. It's a GREAT idea, but should have it's limitations to making trespassing instant death to avoid ugly glitches, being able to place only travel objects to the walls, ground, buildings like pipes, the usual covered trash to jump on, containers, ramps, etc. You guys could put this on a sandbox area like an individual place in the city with the size of a small district.

For the readers: Thank you for taking your time and if you agree with the things I've listed here, specially the one about bringing back "the old city", leave a reply so the devs will know your opinion.

For the devs: Thank you for listening to our suggestions and making a great game.

*I'm not fluent in english, so possible grammatical errors will be corrected on further edits, or may never be.


  • I think it would be a great idea for DLC Areas, adding some more districts would be an awesome add on to the existing map, with maybe mini side story missions carried out by characters... I haven't got the game yet, even though a friend has picked up the collectors edition for me, since im in another state for serious and specific reasons, I won't be able to play it until next Thursday... Im trying my hardest to stay away from spoilers lmao... But i think that a DLC would be a great idea in future for mirrors edge catalyst...
  • Teto
    137 posts
    Yeah, new areas with specific moods, platform gameplay, puzzles, secrets would be so great. But should be seamlessly added to the actual open-world (no loading times) and I'm not sure that it's possible. without have to make a build everytime.
  • Loving your ideas, and agreeing that there should be a little more in the style of the original. I mean I'm not going to say I prefer one or the other, as I don't, and all the Districts are a different style anyway (just unlocked the View and can't wait to start exploring, it really is stunning. I'm thinking I'd like to see some larger inside areas, like a mall of some sort, or possibly a transit area like a train station or something, anybody see what I mean? Whatever the case, I'm hopeful for a DLC and what they've done so far is AMAZING, and I won't be forgetting that anytime soon ...
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