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"Pronto" Covert Mission random? — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

"Pronto" Covert Mission random?

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"Pronto" Covert Mission random?

I just tried my first covert mission, "Pronto, OK?" in Charter Hill. I'm having a terrible time on it, and I want to see if I'm missing something.

1. It suffers from the normal delivery mission problems compared to time trials (can't press R to reload, reload times are slow compared to time trial retries, ANNOYING VOICE LINE EVERY SINGLE TIME, you're frozen for a couple seconds for the animation as the mission starts).

2. First, I thought covert missions meant avoiding enemies. However, there are only 2 routes to the roof I can find. Runner's vision takes me to one where 100% of the time, there seems to be a patrol right at the top. The other route takes you to an empty roof, but sometimes you're spotted on the empty roof through a wall. Sometimes you get through.

3. The second path was working, and then a patrol randomly started spawning on a zipline I needed to take. So now I've learned patrols are random in covert missions, instead of them relying on memorization?

4. So then, I thought maybe covert missions are exercises in using Disrupt (AI). I tried using that to survive the door onto the open roof. But nope, even if I use disrupt in the same place, sometimes I get spotted and sometimes I don't. I'm guessing that's because of a patrol randomly spawning next to the exit and spotting me through the wall.

If anyone has beaten this covert mission, PLEASE let me know what I'm missing.


  • I've beaten a few covert missions. I actually think you can be seen for a short time with no consequences. I literally walked through a crowd of k-sec and kept running. The guy yelled at me but I still was able to do it while being seen.
  • Xpectakill wrote: »
    I've beaten a few covert missions. I actually think you can be seen for a short time with no consequences. I literally walked through a crowd of k-sec and kept running. The guy yelled at me but I still was able to do it while being seen.
    I want to do it without being yelled at! ;_;

    I tried clearing the nearby KSEC tower, but there are still randomly spawning patrols. Very frustrating since it feels like I'm being punished if I'm yelled at while running.
  • Xpectakill wrote: »
    I've beaten a few covert missions. I actually think you can be seen for a short time with no consequences. I literally walked through a crowd of k-sec and kept running. The guy yelled at me but I still was able to do it while being seen.
    I want to do it without being yelled at! ;_;

    I tried clearing the nearby KSEC tower, but there are still randomly spawning patrols. Very frustrating since it feels like I'm being punished if I'm yelled at while running.

    Tough luck man, lol. Seems pretty hard to do. I remember trying to sneak past a group. I was above them on a ledge, and they couldn't see me at all, but still detected me. I forgot to put some of my skill points into invisibility.
  • Yeah, I beat the mission by just ignoring KSEC. That's pretty frustrating since "covert" and the guy yelling at you about not being seen translates to "do a speedrun route and run through crowds of enemies". :( If they turned off KSEC patrols and made covert missions normal missions, they'd be better I think.
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