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Beta participation emblem gone? — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

Beta participation emblem gone?

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Beta participation emblem gone?

I got the game on Tuesday and picked up my Beta Participation Kit at the Zephyr Transit Hub. I went ahead and threw it on so I could display it. All was well and good for a bit. However, late last night when I went to go hack a billboard, I noticed that my emblem had reset to the default.

I didn't think much of it, but I went to go change my emblem back today, and noticed the beta emblem is no longer showing up as an option. I only have the options from the Speed Runner Kit and the Combat Runner Kit under the "Exclusive" heading from pre-ordering. Is there any way I can get it back?


  • Same issue here. Anyone?
  • I had a similar problem. A couple nights ago I had the beta emblem and the combat kit emblem, but for some reason the speed kit emblem didn't show up for me.
    Tonight, the speed kit emblem has finally shown up, only to replace the beta emblem as an option. I guess they're still ironing everything out. Hopefully we'll have them all available soon.
  • GTnotincluded
    9 posts
    edited June 2016
    Yeah, now that you mention it, originally for me the Beta emblem was showing along with the Speed Runner Kit. The Combat Runner Kit's emblem wasn't showing, though now it is. Almost as if the Combat Runner Kit's emblem replaced the Beta Participation Kit's emblem somehow.
  • Finally all three are here for me now, hopefully yours are too. (:
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