I am playing the PC version.
The thumb sticks feels very weird. I have heard the following problem from PS4 players too.
Let me try to explain how it feels.
It's like they suddenly gives more speed than what you asked for.
Like, imagine that you in a consent and slow speed presses right thumb stick more and more to the right. Imagine that while you are doing it you are gaining rotation speed.
At 5% the speed is 5%, 10 it will be at 10. So good so far, but then at 15 it will suddenly jump to be at 30.
And at 50 it will be at 80. And 80% it will be full rotation speed.
Similar prolem is on the left stik. It makes it hard to walk normally. It's ether walking very slow, jogging or sprinting.
If you wan to walk, the stick as to be EXACTLY right.
What's the big deal?
Makes it almost unplayable with controllers. I am using mouse and keyboard, but i was played the original Mirrors edge with a controller. And i want to again.
EA games are more expensive that Steam games... for whatever reason.... so i expect it to work properly.
Since for some reason you though it was a good idea to have the vertical speed only half of what the horisontal speed is.