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Mirror's Edge Catalyst prof_save_profile Options Explanation — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

Mirror's Edge Catalyst prof_save_profile Options Explanation

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Mirror's Edge Catalyst prof_save_profile Options Explanation

0 posts
edited June 2016
I am hoping someone can point me to an explanation of all of the GstAudio, GstRender, and GstInput options in the prof_save_profile file

For those that don't know, this is the file where your in-game settings are stored as well as more detailed settings that are unavailable/combined in the game options. It is located in C:\Users\YOURWINDOWSUSERNAMEHERE\Documents\Mirrors Edge Catalyst\settings.

I know that all of DICE's Frostbite engine games use this file and most of the settings look identical to BF4's file, so even if the explanation is for that it would be fine. I'm sure there is something out there like it but I've tried many different combinations of search phrases on google and can't find a one-stop-shop explanation of all of them, or even a decent explanation of most of them...

What I'm looking for is something like:

Setting Name ____________________ Setting Type _________ Value Range ____________ Setting Explanation/Notes
GstRender.FullscreenEnabled _______ boolean ____________ 0 to 1 _______ Turns Fullscreen On/Off. Disables Vsync.
GstRender.AnisotropicFilter 16 _______ integer __________ 0 to 4 ____ Level of Anisotropic Filtering. 4 = 16x (best).

If something like this doesn't exist, I'm willing to help make it. I can make a table of the data with fields like in the example above, I just need someone knowledgeable to fill in the blanks.

Side question: When creating this post I noticed the message above the "POST" button that says "You can use BBCode in your post.". Clicking on the message even links you to the Wikipedia article regarding BBCode. However, I tried using the BBCode table tags like this for my settings example further above:
[table][tr][td] Table Data here [/td][/tr][/table]
but when previewing the post it stripped all of the table tags and ignored them... Even though the Wikipedia article the message links us to shows the table tags as being a part of the BBCode tag library, they don't work here. Is that by design or do I have to do something special?
Post edited by xtraspecialj on
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