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Low-Res Everything — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
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Low-Res Everything

Ever since I started to play the game, the game has been very stuttery and glitchy. I partially fixed the stuttering after looking for a fix online. However, the advertisements you see around the city are really low-res and do not move at all. Another issue that's been happening is that the shadows are pixely, which is weird since I have textures set as ultra and almost every other setting set as Hyper or Ultra.

Hopefully the next patch fixes this, then maybe it's reasonable to why it's taking a little longer for it to come out on PC.


  • It seems do be something about that limit GPU memory setting. My GPU only uses half of it's available RAM when checked.
  • Flylken wrote: »
    Ever since I started to play the game, the game has been very stuttery and glitchy. I partially fixed the stuttering after looking for a fix online. However, the advertisements you see around the city are really low-res and do not move at all. Another issue that's been happening is that the shadows are pixely, which is weird since I have textures set as ultra and almost every other setting set as Hyper or Ultra.

    Hopefully the next patch fixes this, then maybe it's reasonable to why it's taking a little longer for it to come out on PC.

    got the pixelated shadows here too.

    Will try to play with the settings some more.
  • LukeCypert wrote: »
    It seems do be something about that limit GPU memory setting. My GPU only uses half of it's available RAM when checked.

    It fixed some of the issues, but uses up a whole lot of memory causing it to stutter like crazy.
  • I had a lot of luck getting the game to look way better for me!

    I'm using a 2GB Geforce GTX 960m. I don't care about v-sync (and it uses a lot of performance), so I turn that off and lower my resolution (I'm using a 16x10 display) to 1440x900. It's lame to lower the resolution, but it gives a major frame rate improvement (I can't remember if that means my GPU or my CPU is the bottleneck).

    Here's how it looks (I'll put my other settings below)



    Finally! The billboards are sharp! I assume this is pretty close to how a PS4 looks.
    The other big thing is turning off the limit GPU memory. When it's on the game only used half of my VRAM.

    Here's my other settings:
    Texture Quality - High
    Lighting Quality - Medium
    Reflection Quality - Low
    Effects Quality - High
    Post Process Quality - Medium
    Mesh Quality - High
    Anisotropic Filter - 1x (I can literally see no difference between 1x and 16x for some reason, maybe the low resolution)
    Ambient Occlusion - Off (again, can tell no difference)
    Motion Blur - Low
  • I would love to make some adjustments to the settings, but I can't even load into the main menu. I launch the game and it hangs at the white screen after the dev logos do their thing. DICE needs to fix this broken PC port, STAT. Leaving a game unplayable for a sizable amount of the player base is unacceptable. And before anyone blames my rig, it's overbuilt and can run basically anything. I've been playing the new DOOM on it's highest settings and getting between 150 to 200 FPS on the unlocked setting. Mirror's Edge Catalyst, so far, is just a broken PC port that doesn't work on certain systems for no ascertainable reason.
  • LukeCypert wrote: »
    Finally! The billboards are sharp! I assume this is pretty close to how a PS4 looks.

    lol what billboards? the ps4 doest look anything like that

  • xtro01 wrote: »
    LukeCypert wrote: »
    Finally! The billboards are sharp! I assume this is pretty close to how a PS4 looks.

    lol what billboards? the ps4 doest look anything like that

    What does it look like then?

    I was assuming my settings were similar to the PSA because of how medium and high settings in Battlefront look similar to the PS4 and I'm running the game at "900p" like the PS4 does.
  • I would love to make some adjustments to the settings, but I can't even load into the main menu. I launch the game and it hangs at the white screen after the dev logos do their thing. DICE needs to fix this broken PC port, STAT. Leaving a game unplayable for a sizable amount of the player base is unacceptable. And before anyone blames my rig, it's overbuilt and can run basically anything. I've been playing the new DOOM on it's highest settings and getting between 150 to 200 FPS on the unlocked setting. Mirror's Edge Catalyst, so far, is just a broken PC port that doesn't work on certain systems for no ascertainable reason.

    Have you ever made it in the game? My game gets stuck at the first loading screen if I change the reflection quality. I have to delete the mirror's edge save files in My Documents to get Origin to reset the settings to auto, then I can launch the game again.
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