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Please help - stuck! — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
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Please help - stuck!

Can anyone help me - I can NOT get Faith to climb up this **** wall to reach the ledge. Hence I am stuck and the game is essentially unplayable as this is one of the main storyline missions. Can someone please tell me how exactly to get her to get up there cos I am trying to follow the runner's guide and it's just not working. :(


  • OKay there was supposed to be a picture attached to this... :/

  • Get some momentum, run slightly towards the wall, then hold space. You'll start running on the wall. When you get close to the ledge, let go of space then tap it to jump off the wall, up onto the ledge.
  • Alipeeps
    4 posts
    edited June 2016
    Sorry should have specified I am on PS4. I'm running towards the wall, holding L1 to try and run up the wall then tapping L1 to try and jump up and grab the ledge but it's just not working. Have tried like 100 times. The closest she gets is she seems to get up near the level of the ledge but she just doesn't grab it and falls down.

    I understand how I'm supposed to do it... it's just not working. :(
  • Hm, she should grab it automatically. I don't have a PS4, so can't really say much, but try seeing if you have another controller plugged in, which has a button stuck maybe, or restart the game if you haven't already.
  • Can anyone please help? I must be doing something wrong. But as it stands, this game is now unplayable. I am stuck in a hallway on the main storyline mission, there is no other way to get there, so I cannot progress in the game at all and it's essentially £40 wasted.
  • Thanks for your help DecentM. I've tried restarting - I've been stuck here since yesterday. I can only assume that my technique is faulty and there is something I'm not doing right to make her run up the wall properly.
  • Possibly, one thing you could do is watch a Youtube video of the game until they reach that point and see how they did it and compare that to your technique.
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