So I just now finished the story of the game after I got it on the 9th as a pre-order for my PS4
First of all I have to say that of course this game isn't perfect and maybe I'm a little biased about it but I want to try and tell you what I think about the new ME
I was so excited about the new ME game when I saw the announcement trailer back in 2013 since I was a really big fan of the first game.
Naturally I watched every new video and trailer that we got more than just 2 times, and I also read the little articles on the website a couple of times to get me even more hyped for this game.
The developers often said that the game will be about faiths origin story and that it'll be about becoming a hero instead of being one right at the beginning of the game.
They also promised us a vast city to explore.
Considering all that has been said before the release of the game I honestly have to ask why this game is getting so much hate for the story.. people are saying it's uncreative and too short, while I think that it was a really awesome story, i didn't feel that it was too short especially compared to other games these days, I think most of the people just didn't want the game to end, and I also think they just rushed through the story and maybe side missions and finished the game in about 8-10 hours... while I tried to mix up my gameplay with delivery missions and billboard hacking and now I finished the story with around 20 hours and there was never a minute where I thought "man this is boring"
I loved the billboard hacking, I just loved how you had to look at your surroundings to find the path up there, I also loved the delivery missions and dashes even though some say it's just useless content and "**** without a story attached to it" but I think that those delivery missions just show what Faith does as a runner.
A runner just doesn't ask many questions or wants to know stuff about the customer, they run and deliver!
basically the only thing that I agree with from the reviews is that the side missions could have been more... Like I said story while doing a simple delivery wouldn't stay true to the world of ME but I would've loved to see more about certain characters like birman and nomad and even icarus !
I mean Nomad is said to be faith's best friend and he looks up to her like she's his big sister... isn't it kinda unrealistic that they don't talk about all that crazy stuff that's happening after a few missions you do for him? same thing with birdman... we never got to know why his pigeons were dead...
I know this text is a little messy and maybe **** ... but I tried to state my opinion about the game and since I'm still full of the emotions from finishing it I can't think too clear xD
I think this games was fantastic even with it's little performance and gameplay flaws (battle system)
The story was really good and fit perfectly into the world that we knew from the first game.
The Characters were really lovely (I really love Plastic, and I even like Icarus after all that has happened)
The soundtrack was of course one of the top 3 best things of the game!
And the City .. omg I just fell in love with it ... I can't even count how many times I had to just stand at the edge of a roof and watch the city and sink into the atmosphere.
Of course there were some not so great things too, like too less side missions with important characters, and those that we had felt unfinished... every single one of them felt like it began a story but just stopped after the first two sentences ... especially the last side mission with Beatrix(?) felt unfinished .. kinda like "oh shoot we had this character in the comic and totally forgot about her... lets just put in a quick side mission at the end"
maybe the stories will be told further with DLC ... but I don't think so.
Last thing is that many things left unfinished and that can be a good thing because it hints at another game... but those ends were so loose that the devs could also just say that "the player can think about the end for themselves and take a lesson out of it" or stuff like that... (I personally hate endings that don't really end things)
ME:C just felt like the Opening to an awesome story with Faith and I hope that there'll be at least a massive Story DLC or best another game to finish the story properly.
(Talking about unfinished things I mean stuff like, what happened to Kruger? what's Cat gonna do now that she's Head of the Kruger family and what'll Faith do about it? and what's with the Cabal? is it just Faith and Icarus now? Who IS Icarus anyways? What happened to Rebecca? It was obviously her who did the explosion at the Shard.)
Finally I'd give the Game a 8.5/10 because it really lived up to my expectations and to me those minor flaws that it has aren't taking the fun out of it.
PS: I loved that the last mission was called "The Shard"

totally got the feeling from the first game which was amazing I just thought "okay now Faith and I are gonna show you who's boss and climb up that monstrosity of a building"
The game is great.