This is a rant and a legitimate question. I've beaten the main story & all side quests with 10+ hours in, so here it goes:
I thought the game was pretty amazing. 9/10.
So, did anyone else like Mirror's Edge: Catalyst as much as I did? Did anyone have a fun, adrenaline rushing experience as I did? The game had my hands sweating.
I am rather concerned because I don't want the DICE developers to feel discouraged by impulsive reviews written by "professional reviewers" and other reviewers in between. DICE has literally worked 4 years on this game. It is my opinion after all, but I think DICE should really feel proud of their work. I think the $60 price tag is certainly justified.
It's almost as if every forum or review I read, the game is being judged harshly (with the exception of a few here on the forums.) Just google "mirror's edge catalyst review" and you'll understand what I'm talking about. 6.8/10 by IGN, 70% by Metacritic, and 5/10 by Trusted Reviews.
Certainly, ME:C has it's gripes and flaws. It just really bothers me that these issues must be so glorified that people are being detracted from the main experience (and the artistic brilliance goes underappreciated...). To me, these flaws are so trivial. The negative impact it's had on my experience is minor. Yes, as much I loved the game from start to finish, I will admit that there are areas that certainly need improvement. But that's not to say that the positive aspects of the game shouldn't be overlooked.
I guess it just annoys me that the public exposure of these reviews happen to be very negative. Knowing that an ME:C developer is potentially using these harsh reviews as acceptable feedback is very unsettling. ME:C is very innovative and risk taking. It's a breath of fresh of air compared to other games with messy atmospheres and repetitive mechanics. We need risk in the game industry. I certainly do not want the next Mirror's Edge to essentially become Mirror's Edge: Call of Duty the RPG Grindfest.
I do suppose the game could have had a longer story...but I still enjoyed it all nonetheless.
Anyway folks, that is my rant. Does anyone feel the same way? Does anyone feel the same indignation?
And was your overall experience with the game? Has it excited you? Additional thoughts regarding this or anything else I said?
The inactivity of the devs for patching their game have bored me more than the game itself, it's a shame and it's not sound professionnal.
-The parkour felt amazing, and Solar Fields did his magic once again with the soundtrack.
-I ACTUALLY FOUND COMBAT TO BE FUN! I was genuinely excited to engage in combat. I find that most of the people that complain about it just stand in front of the guards kicking them instead of using the environment, which is their problem, not the game's.
-The animations are great, although I would've liked a bit more head bobbing, like the first game had. They probably made the camera more stable to help people that get easily motion sick, so I can understand that.
-I actually cared about the characters! The story took a bit to pick up, but at the end it seemed comprehensive enough. I cannot stand it when people say "Am I supposed to care about the story?", YES YOU ARE, or youtubers saying "I don't understand what's going on" and then proceed to talk about random stuff over important dialogue. It's not the game's problem that you have the attention span of a noodle.
-The graphics. And the art style. Just... mwah.
-The level design is incredibly complex, I can't even fathom how they did it.
-I've had a lot of fun collecting all the Gridleaks, and I still have a lot of Runner Bags to find, as well as doing the dashes and trying to get 3 stars in every one.
-Although there were two predictable plot twists, the game was like "nah ah!" and slammed you in the face with a double plot twist, which I honestly did not expect. You know which ones I'm talking about if you've played the game.
-Kuma bumping into Faith's leg and Faith going "Kuma!" with a small hint of laughter... THAT WAS SO CUTE AND RANDOM. Details like these made the cutscenes feel believable and natural. The actors' performances were great, voice acting too. Same goes for the audio logs. They were interesting to listen to.
Unfortunately, like pretty much everyone else on PC, the cutscenes lagged a lot, and I tried my best to keep up. It wasn't optimal but it did the job. I just felt bad because they look gorgeous the desync with the audio was very off putting. That was my only real issue with the game. Hope they fix it soon so I can replay the story.
I usually run the default route it first presents you in your runner vision to get a baseline time. Then I start looking around for ways to shortcut obvious things that slowed me down like poll climbs, ladder climbs, etc. Most of the time I can improve significantly on my time, and half the time can get 3 stars. To me that's all part of the fun though, and why I think this open world parkour element is a successful formula.
So yeah, it was a pretty OK game, but the gameplay is so perfect and you can tell that was were most of the work went.
And the worst part is, I've seen criticism and what I call trolling is coming from so called "huge fans" who were so looking forward to this game for 8 years that they didn't so much as pre-order, much less buy the game and play it.
I think the game is fantastic. I'm very happy with it and have had as much fun in the open world after the story is over as I was during the story, which I can't say or other open world games I have played. I give the game a 9/10 also. I think they could improve in areas like more enemy classes and better enemy AI, but this is an outstanding first attempt at an open world parkour game.
Completely agree with this. I haven't been anticipating a game so much since MGSV:TPP - totally worth the wait.
Whoever enjoyed playing the first game, Catalyst will amaze you!
I myself haven't completed the main story yet, but that's only because I've been looking for quicker routes to do deliveries or just to play around. I feel that the only way this game could have become any better is if there was a level editor of sorts - a way to make/share our own custom made playgrounds to compete in Dashes. That would be something that would extend the life of the endgame aaaaalll the way till Mirror's Edge 3 - if they ever decide to make it.
I do feel that DICE dropped the ball a bit by not having all movement abilities unlocked right away, but that's kind of whatever; you only really notice the limitation if you've played and are used to the first Mirror's Edge.
Having said that I also feel that the upgrade system could have been a bit more unique. Like instead of unlocking movement abilities that should be available from the start, how about letting you upgrade your grappling hook to let you pull enemies closer to you, or yourself towards enemies? Since this is a game based on speed, why not have an upgrade ability that allows you to springboard off enemies shoulders or something, and the more you upgrade it, the more enemies you can jump off of in succession?
Oh well too late now.
Now all you need to do DICE is fix the sound randomly muting in game on my PS4, as well as add PS4 Neo and XBox Scorpio support - I plan on purchasing those consoles once they release.
However, as an avid Mirror's Edge 2008 player, I have to say this one it's full of comprimises when it comes to the what the common gamer considers the main content.
I mean , I'd have been fine with just making the env puzzles a little easier , cause casual gamers today just don't wanna think
Also, the game doesn't really emphasize some of its core features, cause devs choose to make them optional instead of showing 'em off: you can make races, kill time doing tricks, practice cool moves... But no, just a few Plastic side missions.
Given all of that, I'm surprised the story wasn't flashed out more and a little bit better, since it's story mode what a game needs to sell. But again, no: gotta run around for audiologs, or buy a comic.
i have seen reviews as well were they bash it. complaining about the combat that i have to laugh how terrible they play. i play with M&K so i dont know if its different with a controller but i sure had none of the issues i have seen of others.
game is great and i enjoy it. it had a bit of a slow start but grew on me later on. at least i can run around more instead of the linear path with scripted parts. i still love the first one, dont get me wrong there, just this limitation was something i saw a drawback.
like i said; it has its flaws so if i have to give the game a rating, it would be a 7/10.