I know I probably speak for a lot of competitive players when I say we would like a faster way to reset runs. Having to hold down a button for like 3 seconds is very troublesome when you fall off a building and have to wait for the game to respawn you from dying before you can just reset the run. With slower loading times on consoles this can add 10-15 seconds of loading before a reset.
I think a solution would be to allow a double tap of the X button instead of having to hold it to reset.
Game is great, but this would really take some wait time out of dashes.
If you die before you manage to hold R to reset, the game does the really slow on-death respawn (like 8-14 seconds) on PC, and THEN you have to hold R again to get the fast 2-3 second reset.
If the fast reset was automatic for time trial deaths, and if delivery missions had the fast reset and an option to disable repeated dialog, that would be amazing.