So with my companion app, it says that "ea account doesn't own the game"
I changed my password in case for some reason that affected anything, and still, nothing. If anyone knows how to fix this issue or help me out in general, I'd really appreciate it.
But how do we do it. Maybe an email to a manager of sorts? Ah who knows if we'll even get a response though. It sucks because like you I am also a die hard fan of this franchise. So having a cool background and emblem would look cool on a billboard hack. Plus I have collected a lot of cool colors and runner emblems, its a shame I can't use them.
EDIT: Figured this out - somehow I had another origin account linked to my PSN ID. I had to find out by logging into Origin through a PC web browser and signing in using my PSN ID there - this let me see that there somehow was an Origin account created for this. I never played any games on my PS3 that linked into Origin, so I don't know how that happened (The Saboteur on PS3 is the only game I can think of that might have done this). Regardless, I had to contact EA to have my PSN ID moved to my actual Origin account. The companion app now works for me.