I didn't find a dedicated thread for bug reports, so I'm starting one. Few bugs I'm getting.
- When in an elevator, if there is a reflective surface, you will see Faith's hair glitch up or down, depending on which direction you're heading.
- A few characters, and even some areas of the map, will have their textures glitching through their other textures, e.g., when you first meet Icarus, his shirt glitches through the back of his vest/jacket.
- Interspersed areas will have invisible walls [at certain angles] that disallow you to run on the visible wall, or jump, etc.
- During the cutscene at Plastic's when they're sending you off to the Shard, the word "will" is misspelled to "willl" in the caption.
I also managed to get a Shock Protector to glitch just his butt through a wall, his torso and legs popping out. I was able to walk around though, and his back end was visible there. I wouldn't worry about this though, it only happened once, towards the end of the story (before the Shard).
System specs:
CPU: i7-4820k
GPU: R9 270, 2GB GDDR5
RAM: DDR3 2x8GB @ 2400Mhz
Game is running at all medium specs, except textures, which are on high (1920x1080@60Hz).
1. In the elevator in The Shard, if you jump and do a coil you fall out of the elevator, to progress you have to reload the checkpoint.
2. If you do a coil in an elevator that is moving down, then you will float for a few seconds
3. In the Anansi mission, you have to get down by moving down by pipes, and after the second or third pipe you will have to jump, but the stuff below you will push you off the platform, it took me around 9 tries to not slide down
Also one more thing, its not a bug, but very annoying, when faith climbs a rail to a platform she launches forward a bit, so in places like the anchor because of that I fall and die, this also fu*ks up my time on dashes and time trials
I believe that's not an issue with the game. While it should have save game backups, the real question would be: why is your system crashing so often? When your system crashes, all unsaved data is lost. If the game is writing to the save file while a crash happens, of course it's going to only have partial data and will be corrupt.
my rig is
4790k @4.5
16gb RAM @1866
gtx980 2xSLI
and i'm playing it off of an SSD.
all overclocks and monitoring software disabled
so I shouldn't be getting general performance issues, let alone insufficient RAM errors.
i have lots of other demanding games that run just fine.
Just bought the game today and it's unplayable at the moment.
Use cloud saves/do backups.
Really, the game should just allow you to manually control your saves. So you can keep multiple save files. I hate the trend in modern games where the game tries to take care of everything for you and doesn't allow you to manually save.
- When you land from a height that doesn't need a roll or soft landing, the short stumble animation plays, but after it ends, the sound of the footsteps doesn't start playing until a few seconds later. So even though your feet are touching the ground, the first two or three steps after a stumble are completely silent.
- When you springboard and immediately grab onto a ledge, the sound of the vent or railing or whatever you just jumped off of stops playing abruptly.
- When you do the metaGrid missions, in Rezoning Plastic says "Faith" or something like that and Faith responds with "How did you know I was here?" which doesn't really make sense. Meanwhile, I think in the View, when you start the metaGrid mission Plastic says something along the lines of "Can you help me out from where you are?". I think that dialogue has to switch places so that it will make sense.
- Sometimes when you start a distraction or a delivery mission and abort inside the start circle, the music stays the same and doesn't go back to the exploration ambience. The only way to solve this is to start a dash and cancel it.
- In Rezoning, when you slide down that big glass surface to get to the entrance of the tunnels, the sound doesn't change from glass to plastic fabric in the right places. Sometimes you'll still be on the glass but it sounds like you're on the covers right next to you.
- After many playthroughs of the game, I heard some dialogue for the first time. Faith saying "You have no idea how good it feels to be out" in the warehouse in Release, and later in Family Matters, saying "Plastic is right. There is no logic to this place." to which Plastic replies "See?". I believe these should always play, not under certain circumstances. I still have no idea what I did to trigger them.
- The music of Act 2 and 3 is fantastic. It's a shame that after you finish the game you only hear Act 1's music on all districts. Many others agree with me on this. Make it so that when you change a district, the music randomly changes from one Act's to another's.
- Make Warning Call play in the credits when you finish the game. I was slightly disappointed when I didn't hear it the first time I finished the game.
I have a few other issues concerning continuity. Specifically:
- When you're about to start a mission, for example the ones that start in Plastic's Lair, you have to walk in, go to the mission trigger spot and start. Then a cutscene plays, where the characters are in completely different positions, and Faith doesn't enter until a few seconds later. That can very easily be fixed, by putting the mission trigger behind a closed door (e.g. the missions in Plastic's Lair) or putting the quest giving characters in the positions that they are in the cutscene that is about to follow (e.g. in the Black November base). Such a simple change would improve the game tenfold.
- The Family Matters mission ends with Kruger's apartment being surrounded by Ksec helicopters and drones. But as soon as Faith touches the ground, there is no Ksec to be seen. There has to be a city alert sequence right there for it to make sense. Have Faith be chased by some drones and a helicopter and find a safehouse.
- Faith is surprisingly calm after the explosion of the Bauble Mall. She just walks into Plastic's Lair like "hey what up". I don't really like that but it's forgivable.
- After the cutscene at the beginning of Prisoner X, Faith looks at a Sentinel helmet on a crate. When the cutscene ends, IT'S NOT THERE. You have the actual, in-game 3D model, just have it be there after that certain point. Same goes for
And a few more:
- I liked Nomad in the comics. I tried to like him in the game, but he's a bit cringy. Anyway, what I would love is for a better cutscene to be made when he tells you about the antennas. Not only is the dialogue bad in that moment, but the cutscene makes it even worse. At least let us put our own cutscenes in the game using the cinematic tools! I can make one that's ten times better.
- It would be nice if people on the streets reacted when a ksec literally slams a few meters away from them. They already made a running animation for the civilian npc's and combined with some screams, that would be a lot better. It's not even hard to do.
- The 3rd person takedowns are awesome. Why are they not doable in freeroam? During city alert, if you take out one of the batches of ksec that spawn, why not throw in a finisher? Moreover,
- Have one more level in city alert that spawns sentinels. Really, why would there only be drones that can't even shoot you, when they have top-trained people that can take down breachers in a few hits?
- A lot of animated objects (the debris falling in Benefactor after you disable the second thingy, the robotic arm in Kingdom that moves the prisoner cells around) have a weird issue. It's like they're running on a lower framerate than the rest of the game. They don't move smoothly, and I don't know why that would happen. It seems to me that it's something that can be fixed though, and it should.
- Covert delivery missions SHOULD NOT be timed. If the point is to remain unseen, then you should have the time to go around ksec patrols or cameras that you might bump into. Of course, for that to happen they need to
- Improve the enemy AI. Ksec guards should have a field of vision, and should only be alerted if you enter it. Walking behind a wall and hearing them acknowledge you're there without even seeing you is wrong.
- FIX THE TEXTURE POPPING FOR GOD'S SAKE. "Gang leader killed? Icarus are you seeing this?" "No, because the video on the screen is so blurry, the letters have completely vanished"
- This is more of an animation thing so I'm not sure if it can easily be changed but, when Faith rides the second fan of the Shard up, the one with the broken blade, she crashes through a window and then... slides on her chest? It would make more sense for her to roll sideways, physics-wise I believe at least. Not a skill roll, more like when you roll down a hill on your side until you reach the bottom.
- In Top Of The World, there is a ladder that consists of two or three parts, and the sides of those other parts are less wide than the second or third. Faith has one animation for all ladders, so when she climbs one like this, she's not grabbing onto them. Her hands are just floating.
- Have real-time reflections of Faith on the surfaces that should but do not reflect her, I dunno.
That's that. There. We made a list for you dear devs, what else do you need? I'll add if I think of anything else.
Please keep this a bugs list thread and open a separate topic if you're having issues with your game.
Yeah I knew that are some dialogues didn't actually trigger for the PC version. But as far as I remember playing for the first time on my PC, I believe there are more dialogues that can be heard when Faith is moving towards the objective. If you Start a new game again, somehow some dialogues didn't come out.
There is also some issue with the music that I believe wasn't there before the June 27th update. The music plays in lower volume than what it should when noone is talking, and when you trigger City Alert during Act 2, the music changes between Act 1's and Act 2's "chase" music. The Act 2 music is pretty epic but every 3-4 seconds you get this annoying beat from Act 1, and it's just so frustrating.
These things, they are so simple to fix, they don't require a full team. Pleaaaaaseee give us an update, godddd.