I am a bit upset i gotta say about those Intervention Missions. I like the mission type and what u have to do but where and when to find them is just making me RAGE! I've searched for 2 days now and still need 1 more for my 40 Opportunity Missions.
Does any1 got any tips besides of "There are a lot in Anchor" or "They spawn during a specific time of the day".
Maybe some exact locations (maybe image of the map)
And maybe even the time of day (eg. night/sunset/sunrise/day)
Pls don't take this personally, but I'm just super frustrated about these missions.
Thanks a lot for ur help!
They do respawn randonly, and no i think they are pretty scattered across the map. Starting the game now, and will try to screenshot/capture that place
Glad to help. Now i need to find 2 missions myself
Sure will
Let me know If these were then ones u were missing.
Edit: Found it! Does not seem like they respawn tho....
I'm sure they won't, as it's a combination of right time/location and luck. Better off going off with looking everywhere rather that concentrating on a few spots and running between then like i did for hours. After that i went another way and boom. There it was in plain sight on a location i never checked on before.