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Dynamic Time of Day Bug — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
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Dynamic Time of Day Bug

30 posts
edited June 2016
Hey guys, I've had the main story finished for a week and ever since then, my game is stuck on a 5am looking time of day. It never gets sunny, it never gets really dark, the world is just kind of dark blue with stars in the sky. There's no moon, no sun, just a whitish center light in the distance and dark blue with everything that follows. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you
"I'm gonna' run."


  • CookieMan
    30 posts
    edited June 2016
    Don't mind this comment here
    "I'm gonna' run."
  • CookieMan
    30 posts
    edited June 2016
    Don't mind this comment here
    "I'm gonna' run."
  • No one has an answer? ;/
    "I'm gonna' run."
  • Rassatu
    28 posts
    edited June 2016
    CookieMan wrote: »
    Hey guys, I've had the main story finished for a week and ever since then, my game is stuck on a 5am looking time of day. It never gets sunny, it never gets really dark, the world is just kind of dark blue with stars in the sky. There's no moon, no sun, just a whitish center light in the distance and dark blue with everything that follows. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you

    Have you tried to repair game on origin? But ıf you play it on ps4 or xbox, I think there will be a section closer to it.
    " Once this city used to pulse with energy; dirty and dangerous but alive and wonderful. Now, it is something else. "

  • Yeah, I have the same problem too. I'm on the PS4.
  • I have it on the One and I've just done some dashes to try and 3 star them all for the achievement. I have 100% all other missions, mind you. Upon retries of failures (mostly falling) for my dashes, I do see the day shift to night and vice versa. I've also had one instance when running around that I did see the shadow from a building shift fairly quickly but not much change with the day/night cycle. I haven't seen too very much of anything else dynamically but I have seen it work with my time with it.
  • I didn't finish the story yet, but i noticed that the day-night cycle between missions goes forward ONLY if the player is moving. If you stop, the sun stops.
    In the story, I understand it's made to make it more dramatic as you reach your objective just with the right sunset, but could it be that this still happens in the post-game, and the only way to make the day/night cycle go on is to run during side-missions?
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