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Could there be a Sequel?? (Spoilers) — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

Could there be a Sequel?? (Spoilers)

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Could there be a Sequel?? (Spoilers)

So i just finished the game, and i absolutely loved it, characters, story, gameplay and combat, i just loved everything... i really, really, really, love this game... and i have a question for everyone, is it possible for a sequel to be coming our way?? i mean the ending left me wondering, as faith said "we started something, that we intend to finish," and then there was the after credits cut scene, showing Faith's sister as the new head of KrugerSec...

This really gets me wondering as to me it would seem pointless to put those details into the ending of the game, if there is to never be a sequel... and personally i think a sequel would be awesome, as it would keep the franchise alive and fresh, and it would work perfectly...

I really hope that someday, they bring us a sequel to Mirror's Edge Catalyst, it is sequel worthy, and if Dice can bring us the standard of Catalyst, it can bring us a whole new story for us to sink our teeth into...


  • mirrorsedgecatalyst_2016_06_12_23_33_02_00_by_www_ninemil_com-da6oq8w.png
    Indeed. That's not just Faith talking there, that's DICE.
  • I truly hope so. Clearly the story is written as such. Now it's likely up to EA as to whether we get another, as I'm sure DICE would do it in a heartbeat. Hopefully this game sells well enough between the 3 platforms that it's a no brainer for EA to green light another game in the series.
  • I truly hope so. Clearly the story is written as such. Now it's likely up to EA as to whether we get another, as I'm sure DICE would do it in a heartbeat. Hopefully this game sells well enough between the 3 platforms that it's a no brainer for EA to green light another game in the series.

    Yeah, hopefully we get one...
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