I got the platinum trophy in PS4. The game is great, but have room to improve.
1. Add cut-scene replay functions. ( Or I should press "New game" button and lose my platinum trophy progress? )
2. (Spoiler) The recording "Subterranean Love #05" should be counted in main mission.
3. Increase the limit of creating L.E from 100 to 1000. I use it in collectible searching to mark all position I have searched. So I can do the searching on my own and no need to depend on Google and YouTube.
4. Add "hard mode": Require clearing normal mode. Runner vision disabled. Get hit reduce 2 HP block. Hard landing reduce 1 HP block.
5. Add "very hard mode": Require clearing hard mode. Runner vision disabled. Faith no longer have HP block and instant death in hard landing and get hit (without focus shield).
6. Release some period limited dash race per month. Get 3 stars to unlock runner tag.
7. Redesign the UGC system. When 1000 players making 10 public UGC stuff. There will be 10000 UGC in the map. (And all collectible secret will be exposed)
8. Add "add friend" function in game, in mirrorsedge.com, in companion app. ( I have no friend

9. In companion app, "News" parts. If no more news article in the future, please remove the whole "News" part. (Why don't just show the News & Media part of mirrorsedge.com?)
10. In companion app. Please make the map 3D.
11. In companion app. Add "forum". ( Hey, I love the companion app very much. Even the great e-sport game like Starcraft doesn't have companion app. It is a great tool to create community.)
12. I hate the combat part of the game. Ok I love running in bullet shower. But some mission require me to kill ALL K-Sec in the area, I dont like it. In some other game design, there is some area "leader". If I kill the "leader", I can go out without dealing with those remains. That design is ok to me. I just dont like "killing everyone".
13. In open world, the K-Sec groups in 4 ppl. If I kill one, the K-Sec alert will disturb my exploring ( esp when I want to search collectible in that area). That is bad. The game should allow me to kill all K-Sec without making K-Sec alert.
14. DLC! DLC! DLC! I know you are preparing, isn't it?