So this game was one I was really looking forward to when I got my giant 4K 75inch tv at the start of the year (which Im still paying off) and Im really loving it checkout some of my early gameplay Im not far in yet
I played around with running it in 1080, 1440 and 4K on my Galax 970 but the screen is so big that native just looks so much better than upscaled. So Ive dropped settings to high/medium and found a sweet spot where I get 4K at around 30fps.
I know a lot of you guys would say 30fps is nowhere near enough for this game but Im not spoiled by playing too many games at 60fps or above so it feels pretty good to me. That said I'm hoping to sell the 970 and upgrade to 1070 at some stage that should get me into the 50-60fps range at 4K on a high/ultra settings mix? Can someone with a OC 1070 confirm this?
Overall loving the game the only minor annoyance is those random low res textures sometimes at middle distance sometimes right on the wall infront of me (have dynamic ram limit off) I heard somewhere that you can alter a .ini file to ensure it always uses the high res textures? Anyone know how to do this?