Hi ! I have a bigs problems in the game. Randomly, the textures are very slow to load so I have a lot of
bad textures even if my graphic preset is set on
ultra. And objects on roofs like pipes or other things like that are slow to load sometimes. It's very embarassing cause I've an high end PC (GTX 970, i5-4690k
@Stock, 8Gb of RAM and Windows 10).
Can you help me ?
No cause I think there is problem with this option with my graphic card. It's the GTX 970 3.5Gb problem, you know what I mean ?
Not sure, but how's your RAM usage then? Might be a combination of low RAM + low VRAM.
I think it's aproximately 6500MB for the RAM.
Change the GPU restrictions settings doesn't change anything in term of textures loading and it makes the game unstable with fps drops.