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I really enjoyed the game. It is my game of the year, but I was wondering if they will add more districts. If an DICE employee is seeing this, I really appreciate the game but I would like to see the full map to be explored. I mean look how big it is. And we only get to play a small part. PLEASE ADD MORE!


  • I highly doubt they would add more content on the map. Maybe they could add more story, clothing, character, multiplayer content etc., but the districts are set now and I don't think they'd add. It's more likely that the company would make another game completely since I feel the game is as finished as it's going to get.
  • they will maybe do it in a 20$ dlc
  • This. I really want some more content more story and more places to explore would be great, I hope we get word on DLC soon!
  • More buildings to climb in a pure platform gameplay !
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