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Edge Jump problem since Update — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
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Edge Jump problem since Update

Hey everyone,

I've noticed a strange problem when in a very tight area since last update:

If you start to use sprint very close to an edge and manage to jump, your jump will hit an invisible wall at the very edge of the floor before the gap .

The consequence is usually a dramatic one leading to a free fall but the problem is a very annoying once since it seems to happen on every structure.

Have you experienced the same?


  • ninemil
    218 posts
    edited June 2016
    This has always been in the game, and most people I've discussed it with while optimizing trials presumed it was intentional. You're not supposed to shift close to ledges - jump for a speed boost, fall to maintain current speed.
  • It's probably because Shifting off an edge will net you a faster speed than other methods - remember the Shift spam run (backwards) along walls? ;p
    "Yeah yeah I'm sure the birds are real impressed Faith, but once you're done showing off think you might concentrate on some actual work?!!" - Merc
  • Hey,
    I think it should have been better to prevent it by not allowing to be able to sprint "if" you're already at a certain speed. Meaning you could only sprint once to get to your speed. It makes indeed no sense at all to be able to spam the seed acceleration, just sayin' B)
  • Honestly. The problems with this game, I swear.
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