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These are some ideas that I have for making Mirror's Edge social play a bit better in the next game. (Or in a DLC) Feel free to comment ideas as well!
- Runner Cabals: I think that creating your own runner cabals in the online game would be SICK. You and your cabal could go infiltrate a corporate building, or make an alliance with other cabals. Your cabal could have shared scrip, so you all could by gadgets and clothes together.
- Runner Customization: For online gameplay it would be amazing if you could design your own runner. In story mode and regular free roam you play as Faith, and when you switch to online, you play as your custom-made character. You could collect clothes and accessories by stealing them from clothing corporations or by doing deliveries. This idea is sorta similar to "The Division".
- Creating your own corporation: I really like this idea because there are so many ways to expand on it. However, it's sort of against the whole idea of the game (Defying the Conglomerate and Corporations). But, creating your own corporation would be a really neat idea to me. You could design your own corporate building (Using pre-made buildings) give it some colors, and a name. Then you could establish your security/KSEC patrols. You could have security cameras and drones monitoring your HQ. Runners could sneak into your corporate building, and you can sneak into other corporate buildings. As you go up through the ranks, you'd start off with really easy KSEC patrols like, protecters. But as you get enough scrip and rank, you can upgrade to Sentinels, VTOLS and drones etc. And maybe you could even have a spot in the Conglomerate!
DLC ideas: Here are some DLC ideas that I thought may be interesting as well.
- Life As a KSEC Guard: I think it would be interesting to play as a KSEC guard. I'd love to see what's going in through their eyes and their opinions on the state of Glass. Control could send you certain missions to do. Like guarding a corporate building, finding misbehaving Employs etc.
- Cooler hacking abilities: I this game could maybe use some cooler hacking abilities. If you saw the Watch Dogs 2 presentation at E3, you know what i'm talking about. Faith could use distractions to avoid KSEC by hacking drones and flying them into VTOLS, or hacking KSEC comms and playing extremely loud opera music until their ears bleed! I think that would bring a really cool element in the game.
- Icarus: I've always wanted to play the game through Icarus' eyes. From the day he left his home, to the day he met Faith. They didn't reveal too much about his story other than
hat he ran away from home after seeing a runner (and that inspired him to run) and that he was caught my KSEC and Noah saved him. /spoiler]
A DLC about Icarus is a great idea, one that's been suggested a few times on this forum. Gameplay wouldn't change because he's supposedly just as great at Running and parkour as Faith, so there's no issue with that. We have no backstory about him and no information except that Noah took him in, he possibly has a thing for Faith, and he's arrogant. What about his life? What about his character development? Not many people like Icarus, and that's partially because we have no reason to explain his arrogance or often rude behaviour. There has to be an explanation. I want to learn more about him and a DLC would work perfectly for that.
I like the idea of creating your own cabal, customising your own runner for online games, and doing stuff together with your friends, like you said, infiltrating into a corporate building, steal data, get scrip which can be used to purchase runner outfits, like shoes, pants, vests like the one faith has, gloves, glasses, hoodies like icarus. I think you are really onto something like that, i love that idea and would never stop playing it to be honest. And you can create your cabal logo, and cabal name, and there are various spots for you create an area as a safe house location which is the headquarters. There could be servers where the maximum amount of cabals is like 7 or some other number, and the maximum amount of runners in each cabal is like 6 or something. I think though in order for dice to do this, they need to create atleast 2 more districts so the amount of runners isn't too crowded, otherwise it could be a bit awkward. But other wise, I absolutely love this idea, im glad you came up with it!!
A DLC about Icarus is a great idea, one that's been suggested a few times on this forum. Gameplay wouldn't change because he's supposedly just as great at Running and parkour as Faith, so there's no issue with that. We have no backstory about him and no information except that Noah took him in, he possibly has a thing for Faith, and he's arrogant. What about his life? What about his character development? Not many people like Icarus, and that's partially because we have no reason to explain his arrogance or often rude behaviour. There has to be an explanation. I want to learn more about him and a DLC would work perfectly for that.
Exactly. I'm planning on sending a letter to DICE soon about some of these ideas.
I like the idea of creating your own cabal, customising your own runner for online games, and doing stuff together with your friends, like you said, infiltrating into a corporate building, steal data, get scrip which can be used to purchase runner outfits, like shoes, pants, vests like the one faith has, gloves, glasses, hoodies like icarus. I think you are really onto something like that, i love that idea and would never stop playing it to be honest. And you can create your cabal logo, and cabal name, and there are various spots for you create an area as a safe house location which is the headquarters. There could be servers where the maximum amount of cabals is like 7 or some other number, and the maximum amount of runners in each cabal is like 6 or something. I think though in order for dice to do this, they need to create atleast 2 more districts so the amount of runners isn't too crowded, otherwise it could be a bit awkward. But other wise, I absolutely love this idea, im glad you came up with it!!
A DLC about Icarus is a great idea, one that's been suggested a few times on this forum. Gameplay wouldn't change because he's supposedly just as great at Running and parkour as Faith, so there's no issue with that. We have no backstory about him and no information except that Noah took him in, he possibly has a thing for Faith, and he's arrogant. What about his life? What about his character development? Not many people like Icarus, and that's partially because we have no reason to explain his arrogance or often rude behaviour. There has to be an explanation. I want to learn more about him and a DLC would work perfectly for that.
Exactly. I'm planning on sending a letter to DICE soon about some of these ideas.
A DLC about Icarus is a great idea, one that's been suggested a few times on this forum. Gameplay wouldn't change because he's supposedly just as great at Running and parkour as Faith, so there's no issue with that. We have no backstory about him and no information except that Noah took him in, he possibly has a thing for Faith, and he's arrogant. What about his life? What about his character development? Not many people like Icarus, and that's partially because we have no reason to explain his arrogance or often rude behaviour. There has to be an explanation. I want to learn more about him and a DLC would work perfectly for that.
Exactly. I'm planning on sending a letter to DICE soon about some of these ideas.
That would be excellent. The only thing I'd be concerned about is that companies seem wary to use fan ideas, since they can't be sure how things work when it comes to giving credit etc. I hope DICE listens in any case.
A DLC about Icarus is a great idea, one that's been suggested a few times on this forum. Gameplay wouldn't change because he's supposedly just as great at Running and parkour as Faith, so there's no issue with that. We have no backstory about him and no information except that Noah took him in, he possibly has a thing for Faith, and he's arrogant. What about his life? What about his character development? Not many people like Icarus, and that's partially because we have no reason to explain his arrogance or often rude behaviour. There has to be an explanation. I want to learn more about him and a DLC would work perfectly for that.
Exactly. I'm planning on sending a letter to DICE soon about some of these ideas.
A DLC about Icarus is a great idea, one that's been suggested a few times on this forum. Gameplay wouldn't change because he's supposedly just as great at Running and parkour as Faith, so there's no issue with that. We have no backstory about him and no information except that Noah took him in, he possibly has a thing for Faith, and he's arrogant. What about his life? What about his character development? Not many people like Icarus, and that's partially because we have no reason to explain his arrogance or often rude behaviour. There has to be an explanation. I want to learn more about him and a DLC would work perfectly for that.
Exactly. I'm planning on sending a letter to DICE soon about some of these ideas.
That would be excellent. The only thing I'd be concerned about is that companies seem wary to use fan ideas, since they can't be sure how things work when it comes to giving credit etc. I hope DICE listens in any case.
Yeah. I hope they at least put my ideas into thought
Sorry, I'll play the bad guy.
I don't want online things. Or to be more specific, OK, but just with friends. Nothing public, and with the possibility to kick off anyone.
Why? Because any game with online gameplay (with or without solo) is full of cheater and after sometimes few days the online is just full of *biip*. Blizzard does something about it with Overwatch, but it's almost the only one. GTA5, The Division, R6 siege and other recent games are killed by cheaters. Even MEC has cheaters, and for the 1st game EA/DICE did almost nothing.
So that won't change for this game.
And so I want just the team to focus on solo features, because they won't have money for the 2 things, if they have (and I'm not sure of that either), so no, sorry, no offense, but I don't want multiplayer features.
Sorry, I'll play the bad guy.
I don't want online things. Or to be more specific, OK, but just with friends. Nothing public, and with the possibility to kick off anyone.
Why? Because any game with online gameplay (with or without solo) is full of cheater and after sometimes few days the online is just full of *biip*. Blizzard does something about it with Overwatch, but it's almost the only one. GTA5, The Division, R6 siege and other recent games are killed by cheaters. Even MEC has cheaters, and for the 1st game EA/DICE did almost nothing.
So that won't change for this game.
And so I want just the team to focus on solo features, because they won't have money for the 2 things, if they have (and I'm not sure of that either), so no, sorry, no offense, but I don't want multiplayer features.
Agree. Also there's been so many open world MP games gone wrong (all those zombie survials and other survivals). They've been left uncompleted cause they need whole a lot of work. They don't have strong story like we actually had now on catalyst (if you didn't notice). People whine lots about small details, main point is the story and now given the possibility to free run smoothly a huge map. And the delivery missions give there more fun in skilled fast running. And them self are alone enough.
Sorry, I'll play the bad guy.
I don't want online things. Or to be more specific, OK, but just with friends. Nothing public, and with the possibility to kick off anyone.
Why? Because any game with online gameplay (with or without solo) is full of cheater and after sometimes few days the online is just full of *biip*. Blizzard does something about it with Overwatch, but it's almost the only one. GTA5, The Division, R6 siege and other recent games are killed by cheaters. Even MEC has cheaters, and for the 1st game EA/DICE did almost nothing.
So that won't change for this game.
And so I want just the team to focus on solo features, because they won't have money for the 2 things, if they have (and I'm not sure of that either), so no, sorry, no offense, but I don't want multiplayer features.
I don't like the idea of random people running around in Glass either. And I completely respect and understand your opinion. I'd honestly rather have them develop a better story than to spend time on Social Play.
Thank you!
That would be excellent. The only thing I'd be concerned about is that companies seem wary to use fan ideas, since they can't be sure how things work when it comes to giving credit etc. I hope DICE listens in any case.
Yeah. I hope they at least put my ideas into thought
I don't want online things. Or to be more specific, OK, but just with friends. Nothing public, and with the possibility to kick off anyone.
Why? Because any game with online gameplay (with or without solo) is full of cheater and after sometimes few days the online is just full of *biip*. Blizzard does something about it with Overwatch, but it's almost the only one. GTA5, The Division, R6 siege and other recent games are killed by cheaters. Even MEC has cheaters, and for the 1st game EA/DICE did almost nothing.
So that won't change for this game.
And so I want just the team to focus on solo features, because they won't have money for the 2 things, if they have (and I'm not sure of that either), so no, sorry, no offense, but I don't want multiplayer features.
Agree. Also there's been so many open world MP games gone wrong (all those zombie survials and other survivals). They've been left uncompleted cause they need whole a lot of work. They don't have strong story like we actually had now on catalyst (if you didn't notice). People whine lots about small details, main point is the story and now given the possibility to free run smoothly a huge map. And the delivery missions give there more fun in skilled fast running. And them self are alone enough.
I don't like the idea of random people running around in Glass either. And I completely respect and understand your opinion. I'd honestly rather have them develop a better story than to spend time on Social Play.