One of the things I was really hoping for in this game were the modding tools. But, it looks like we don't have them in Catalyst

I don't think there'll be official mod support. Maybe someone from the community could try but I heard Frostbite is quite a hard engine to crack, especially with the strong DRM. Its not frostbite itself, but an anti-memory tamper technology created by sony called denuvo, no one has ever cracked it, only found work-arounds. So yeah, no mods. I'm really hoping they may somehow implement these features in a future DLC or patch. Modding tools are what really allow the player to be
CREATIVE . If I do remember correctly, one of the level designers of Catalyst cracked the engined used for the first game and built tons of levels and examined models. So why not this one? I don't know, I was just really hoping for this. If anyone has any ideas or has already found out how to mod MEC, please comment. I was just excited to build my own levels and create stories, but It's probably not going to happen with Catalyst.

Comment if you agree, or frankly disagree. I'd like to hear from some of you guys, and your opinions on the matter.
It's probably an economic issue where EA wants to spend the least possible and it costs likely less to have a team of developers on an engine than to pay the engine itself for each computer of every game company.
So modding Glass is not possible. But EA/DICE could allow adding models, missions that use the city without changing it.
More than that, they could give the editor (like editors did for Skyrim, Talos, ...) and allow modders to create new cities. Give us the original assets, tutorials about how they did the game (the basics), and let's go.
If it's not too hard to master (Talos' editor was a pain in the a**) we could play with new cities within few months).
But EA is like Ubi: no mods allowed.
Yeah. That'd be awesome!
If the DLC is happening I wouldn't mind not having mods. Its not like the first game had many mods to begin with, so I don't know. The only kind of mod I would think people would end up doing is porting the levels from ME1 over in to this game. Not sure how that would work, but it would be cool to see.
If it was on the frostbite engine it would be fine. They could fix some of the bugs in the first, and it would look way better, and plus UE3 is almost deprecated. Most devs are moving to UE4 anyways, and also EA develops all in-house games on Frostbite engine, so I doubt they would do that.
This is probably because of Mirror's Edge: Catalyst's multiplayer support, people would create mods that would allow players to cheat on publicly listed challenges ect, and that would completely ruin the multiplayer experience for everyone.
I'd love to change that squishy sound water makes when you step in it, or make Faith move her mouth in the elevators where you can see her reflection, or have civilians scream when a ksec guard falls from a building literally right next to them. I could come up with more.