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9 hours of gameplay, my thoughts... — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

9 hours of gameplay, my thoughts...

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9 hours of gameplay, my thoughts...

Admittedly about 2 of them were replaying some progress I'd lost, but after 9 hours of this I now feel in a better position to judge it compared with the 3 hours or so in last time I posted a thread like this.

Is it as good as Mirror's Edge? No. Quite simply, it isn't, obviously; but it's also a different take on it. As we know it's a reboot, a completely different story with very little in common with the 2008 masterpiece, and for those afficionados like myself that is a little disappointing. But if you can look past that, this is a slow burner, a grower.

Visually it's dreadful, frankly, and is an appalling use of a really good game engine, while the enemy animations are some of the worst I've seen. I've complained before about the BETA feel the visuals have - like those ugly stuttered animations for some NPC objects, and the general clunkiness of how it looks.

But in terms of gameplay it manages, in parkour at least, to just about recapture about 60% of the original - which is not bad, if not great. The combat is...painful. Just horrible. It pretends to be more varied than it is, but in reality most fights are right or left and D with a lot of running and strafing and wall jump kicks. It's pretty poor for the combat, and that aspect of the original remains a mess. But the exploration, and general parkour is decent. It's not as good as it was, but it's acceptable.

The side missions weren't needed, and it's almost like EA Dice reckoned they had to keep up with Ubisoft and its insane amount of side content. But the plot itself? Hmmmm. It's a bit fragmented. Even all this way I'm not truly sure where it's going. What or who the characters are. Why all this is going on. It's not particularly well fleshed out. The original's story wasn't well compiled and this isn't much different.

But in saying all that, the gameplay is fun enough to keep you going, and there's enough content overall (even if some of it is pointless) to keep you at it.

It's a 7/10 but sometimes rising to 8 now and then; but it could have been so, SO much more.
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