/// This is an archived version of the official forums, which went offline in September 2017. Functionality is limited. Visit the Mirror's Edge Archive to learn more. ///
In the misfortune I'm happy to see that I'm not alone to have problems since the day one....I have a rampage v extreme, i7 5930,gtx 1080....and I never play more than 20 minutes por time(I bought @ day one)cause it's unplayable!!!! DICE what are u doing????!!!!
What a joke. I refunded the game and came here back just to see that THERE IS STILL NO OFFICIAL WORD ON IT
I had cosntant freezes and stuttering even tho my rig should be easily running it even on high details
I just tried playing the game from my friend and it still works like that...aka doesnt work at all
And I just wanted to add that now when I was testing it I've noticed that CPU usage skyrockets when the game is running. So maybe this isnt related to GPU memory or RAM problems (as it runs like **** on every possible setting) but rather something with CPU. I use 4690k not overclocked
That was the game I was looking forward most to but no, it had to be s*rewed up
What the heck are you doing EA, fix it !!!!
That is absurdly ridiculous that there is nothing about this issue. People are buying the game just to see that it doesnt work and they cant do anything about it
Like Otchum and a few other people, this game used to run fine on my machine, and now it's unplayable due to stuttering. Turning the camera while stationary makes the problem worse, so I agree it's likely a texture issue, but the console commands and pagefile tweaks didn't help. Rolling back drivers would seem sensible since it used to work, but I had no luck there (and even if I could find a specific driver that does work, rolling back drivers impacts performance on other recent games).
I had previously encountered different bugs that appeared and then seemed to fix themselves-- for a while, the game crashed on launch, then one day it just didn't-- but the stutter is here to stay.
Meanwhile, the game hasn't been updated since June. Devs are done with this game. My guess is they're unable to get this port stable for everybody, and these issues will not be addressed. I guess the moral of the story is: don't buy games on Origin, because you may not need a refund until more than a week after you buy the game.
I just bought the game today.
I just played 1 hour... That's juste unplayable !
Running with a i7 920 @ 4.4Ghz, 16GB RAM and a GTX 970. (Windows 7)
Stuttering, freezes... The only way to fix that (for me) is to set the priority process to "high", but micro stuttering remains, and make the game unplayable.
I feel like someone with parkinson, or like someone who's blinking every second.
Is a patch comming to fix that ? I read on many forums that the last patch has fixed these problem for most players, looks like I'm not "most players".
To help :
I've played with and without HyperThreading : no change
Setting priority process to "high" : stop freezing, but still stuttering
Settings graphics to low : no change
I've turned ON/OFF V-sync : no change
I've turned OFF the memory option : worst.
I've turned off Origin Interface in-game : no change
I've set Origin to "offline" : same thing
I've tryed some commands in the console (to lock to 60FPS for example) : nothing happens
I've changed my sound card (from the motherboard Chipset, Soundmax, by disabling it from BIOS, to an USB external sound card) : nothing change
I've tried to play with an Xbox controller : I just can't aim correctly, because I'm not a console player... But the stutterings remains.
Ho, and, of course, all of my drivers are up to date.
If somebody have an other solution... or just a news about a future patch...
someone else also has issues like yours. this person has a gtx as well. maybe these cards have issues with the game. i have a amd card, and have no issues what so ever.
just a theory. i could be wrong but thats how it appears to me.
I've just bought SSD and transfered the game from my HDD. Now the sluttering is gone.
Perhaps, it was the problem with my own HDD because bf1 seemed also to have some issues loading the game and freezes during the match.
Good to hear that at least some are able to play the game!
My Game runs on an SSD already and i have drops down to just above 10 FPS (!)
It doesn't matter what settings i use.
GTX 1070 and I7 4770K, 16 gigs of RAM and the game just refuses to go higher than 30-40 FPS (and thats rare) with huge stuttering on any setting...
I had this same issue with horrible stutter and frametimes spking from 10-20ms and what fixed it for me so far was to set FPS Limiter v2 to 60 in Nvidia Inspector. Hope this helps.
Edit: while this does fix the bad frametimes the other "macro-stutter" issue unfortunately still occurs.
I'm trying the game during a 7 day trial of Origin Access and I've practically given up now having it run smoothly and will definitely not buy the game or renew the Origin Access subscription unless I find a solution. There's this constant microstutter once every 2-3 second as you can see in the picture and it's driving me nuts!!!
I've tried every single thing suggest not only for this game but for stuttering in general and absolutely nothing has worked so far. I shouldn't have to do anything though as I'm not having this issue at all in other games, some of the more demanding, recent ones being Doom and Battlefield 1. Both which runs at a steady 120 FPS at pretty dang high settings, heck, BF1 is even on the same engine as MEC and the graphs there are never peaking other than during loading times etc. as to be expected.
Windows 10 Pro 64bit, GTX 1070 (no matter what driver version), i7 3770k, 16 GB RAM, Game installed to a Samsung 850 PRO 256GB SSD with over 20% free space left.
Don't know if it helps but if the cpu usage is almost full, micro stutters happen, on any graphics settings. (framerate goes up and down, 60 fps for few seconds, then 10 fps for a few seconds) Closing cpu hogging programs solved it for me.
I have i5 4210M, with Nvidia 840M, and have the game installed on a HDD. (I know my laptop's specs are way too far from the monster computers here, but I don't get the micro stutters)
Don't know if it helps but if the cpu usage is almost full, micro stutters happen, on any graphics settings. (framerate goes up and down, 60 fps for few seconds, then 10 fps for a few seconds) Closing cpu hogging programs solved it for me.
I have i5 4210M, with Nvidia 840M, and have the game installed on a HDD. (I know my laptop's specs are way too far from the monster computers here, but I don't get the micro stutters)
840M and you play on Medium settings?? What magic source is this?
Don't know if it helps but if the cpu usage is almost full, micro stutters happen, on any graphics settings. (framerate goes up and down, 60 fps for few seconds, then 10 fps for a few seconds) Closing cpu hogging programs solved it for me.
I have i5 4210M, with Nvidia 840M, and have the game installed on a HDD. (I know my laptop's specs are way too far from the monster computers here, but I don't get the micro stutters)
840M and you play on Medium settings?? What magic source is this?
No, I get 40-60 fps when I have everything set to low and a low graphics cheat engine table active (which disables smokes from vents and stuff)
I have the graphics settings set to medium to high when I'm not practicing speedruns and I get 27-50 fps.
For those of you who are experiencing framerate/stuttering issues with Nvidia cards, try downloading Display Driver Uninstaller, run it to completely uninstall your current driver and install the latest version from Nvidias website. Just reinstalling the driver normally does not help.
I'm having the same issues lately and I find some interesting thing in my case:
The game is installed on a SSD, but the user files are on a 1TB HDD, so the Mirrors Edge Catalyst user folder is in HDD\My Documents. When that folder is on the HDD, I get massive stutter (specially when the game autosaves), but I create an symbolic link (mklink) and place the user folder on the SSD, the problem disappears. I also tried placing the folder on a internal 320GB HDD, and the stutter is almost inexistent compared to when the user folder is on the 1TB HDD. I don't know how or why this is happening, but it looks weird to say the least.
I'm having the same issues lately and I find some interesting thing in my case:
The game is installed on a SSD, but the user files are on a 1TB HDD, so the Mirrors Edge Catalyst user folder is in HDD\My Documents. When that folder is on the HDD, I get massive stutter (specially when the game autosaves), but I create an symbolic link (mklink) and place the user folder on the SSD, the problem disappears. I also tried placing the folder on a internal 320GB HDD, and the stutter is almost inexistent compared to when the user folder is on the 1TB HDD. I don't know how or why this is happening, but it looks weird to say the least.
I registered just so I could thank you. I had tried everything to fix those stutters. Cpu overclock, reinstalling gpu drivers, sound drivers, installing on SSD, frame capping using in game GameVariable, capping with RTSS, nvidia inspector, setting pre rendered frames, highest to lowest settings, pagefile increase, setting it to high priority, disabling HPET,
Nothing worked! I almost gave up on this game. I had read each and every post on stuttering related to this game, including yours but never thought the solution could be this bizarre! So I gave this a try, used a symbolic link and BAM! Hyper settings, 1080p 60 fps ultra smooth on i54690k, gtx 1070, 8GB ddr3! How the **** was I supposed to figure this out on my own?! I had the game on SSD but the libraries redirected to an 1 TB HDD. Never would I think that savefiles being on the HDD could cause those stutters. It makes sense though b'coz I've observed this game autosaves every 5-10 seconds and that's when those stutters occur.
Thanks a TON @fons_garmo . Without you I would have never figured this out.
Hey guys, I'm still having issues with the stuttering. I've tried everything this whole forum has suggested: update the Nvidia driver, create symbolic links, lower the texture quality, disable Origin in-game and the issue is still there. This is **** sad since I've been waiting for this game since the day it was mentioned a possibility of ME2/ME:C coming out. It's already been 8 months, why isn't EA/DICE doing anything about this!?
Hey guys, I'm still having issues with the stuttering. I've tried everything this whole forum has suggested: update the Nvidia driver, create symbolic links, lower the texture quality, disable Origin in-game and the issue is still there. This is **** sad since I've been waiting for this game since the day it was mentioned a possibility of ME2/ME:C coming out. It's already been 8 months, why isn't EA/DICE doing anything about this!?
Whatever the reason may be, it's probably the same reason they're not doing anything else with the game either. Officially, they haven't done anything to it since July last year.
Did you also try using Display Driver Uninstaller before installing the latest driver?
What are your system specs?
I'm having the same issues lately and I find some interesting thing in my case:
The game is installed on a SSD, but the user files are on a 1TB HDD, so the Mirrors Edge Catalyst user folder is in HDD\My Documents. When that folder is on the HDD, I get massive stutter (specially when the game autosaves), but I create an symbolic link (mklink) and place the user folder on the SSD, the problem disappears. I also tried placing the folder on a internal 320GB HDD, and the stutter is almost inexistent compared to when the user folder is on the 1TB HDD. I don't know how or why this is happening, but it looks weird to say the least.
I registered just so I could thank you. I had tried everything to fix those stutters. Cpu overclock, reinstalling gpu drivers, sound drivers, installing on SSD, frame capping using in game GameVariable, capping with RTSS, nvidia inspector, setting pre rendered frames, highest to lowest settings, pagefile increase, setting it to high priority, disabling HPET,
Nothing worked! I almost gave up on this game. I had read each and every post on stuttering related to this game, including yours but never thought the solution could be this bizarre! So I gave this a try, used a symbolic link and BAM! Hyper settings, 1080p 60 fps ultra smooth on i54690k, gtx 1070, 8GB ddr3! How the **** was I supposed to figure this out on my own?! I had the game on SSD but the libraries redirected to an 1 TB HDD. Never would I think that savefiles being on the HDD could cause those stutters. It makes sense though b'coz I've observed this game autosaves every 5-10 seconds and that's when those stutters occur.
Thanks a TON @fons_garmo . Without you I would have never figured this out.
You're very welcome! Weird... bug? I don't know but to me it looks like the game needs a patch, hopefully DICE will deliver it...
I don't know if it's any use to post here, but I just bought this game and I'm having trouble with stutters just about every 2-4 seconds (or thereabouts). My Documents folder is also on an SSD, so the save thing should not be an issue (in theory).
When I first started I had this weird issue where the mouse movement was really choppy. Turns out it has to be run at 60Hz on my monitor, because apparently the mouse polling is done at 60Hz. This is really a strange design choice (at best), because I've never experienced this in any other game that I can remember.
Anyway, once at 60Hz everything is smooth except for those small stutters which happen all the time and are really annoying. The framerate takes a hit down to about 52 or so. It affects the controls and makes it harder to play.
This is just not good enough, DICE!
My rig:
i7-2700K @ 4.4GHz
ASUS P8P67-Deluxe
nVidia GTX 980 Ti
I had this problem as well but I'm not sure if my solution will be helpful to anyone. Turns out what was causing it for me was MSI command center. I turned it off and the game runs buttery smooth now on hyper. It could be that anything that dynamically adjusts the CPU clocks might cause a problem for this game, but Windows does that too so I'm not sure. It could also be thermal throttling kicking in or something
Either way I'm pretty certain it's how this engine interacts with the cpu that's causing it.
Hey guys, I'm still having issues with the stuttering. I've tried everything this whole forum has suggested: update the Nvidia driver, create symbolic links, lower the texture quality, disable Origin in-game and the issue is still there. This is **** sad since I've been waiting for this game since the day it was mentioned a possibility of ME2/ME:C coming out. It's already been 8 months, why isn't EA/DICE doing anything about this!?
Because they only care about BF1 at the moment, a game that was already played out the moment it was released if you asked me. I'd rather stick with BF4, and get patches and DLC for MEC as this game has so much potential if I could actually... you know... play it!
I had cosntant freezes and stuttering even tho my rig should be easily running it even on high details
I just tried playing the game from my friend and it still works like that...aka doesnt work at all
And I just wanted to add that now when I was testing it I've noticed that CPU usage skyrockets when the game is running. So maybe this isnt related to GPU memory or RAM problems (as it runs like **** on every possible setting) but rather something with CPU. I use 4690k not overclocked
That was the game I was looking forward most to but no, it had to be s*rewed up
What the heck are you doing EA, fix it !!!!
That is absurdly ridiculous that there is nothing about this issue. People are buying the game just to see that it doesnt work and they cant do anything about it
I had previously encountered different bugs that appeared and then seemed to fix themselves-- for a while, the game crashed on launch, then one day it just didn't-- but the stutter is here to stay.
Meanwhile, the game hasn't been updated since June. Devs are done with this game. My guess is they're unable to get this port stable for everybody, and these issues will not be addressed. I guess the moral of the story is: don't buy games on Origin, because you may not need a refund until more than a week after you buy the game.
someone else also has issues like yours. this person has a gtx as well. maybe these cards have issues with the game. i have a amd card, and have no issues what so ever.
just a theory. i could be wrong but thats how it appears to me.
lol sorry dice, the problem was on my end, just had to clean up some cpu-hogging windows update services
I've just bought SSD and transfered the game from my HDD. Now the sluttering is gone.
Perhaps, it was the problem with my own HDD because bf1 seemed also to have some issues loading the game and freezes during the match.
Good to hear that at least some are able to play the game!
My Game runs on an SSD already and i have drops down to just above 10 FPS (!)
It doesn't matter what settings i use.
GTX 1070 and I7 4770K, 16 gigs of RAM and the game just refuses to go higher than 30-40 FPS (and thats rare) with huge stuttering on any setting...
Edit: while this does fix the bad frametimes the other "macro-stutter" issue unfortunately still occurs.
I've tried every single thing suggest not only for this game but for stuttering in general and absolutely nothing has worked so far. I shouldn't have to do anything though as I'm not having this issue at all in other games, some of the more demanding, recent ones being Doom and Battlefield 1. Both which runs at a steady 120 FPS at pretty dang high settings, heck, BF1 is even on the same engine as MEC and the graphs there are never peaking other than during loading times etc. as to be expected.
Windows 10 Pro 64bit, GTX 1070 (no matter what driver version), i7 3770k, 16 GB RAM, Game installed to a Samsung 850 PRO 256GB SSD with over 20% free space left.
I have i5 4210M, with Nvidia 840M, and have the game installed on a HDD. (I know my laptop's specs are way too far from the monster computers here, but I don't get the micro stutters)
840M and you play on Medium settings?? What magic source is this?
No, I get 40-60 fps when I have everything set to low and a low graphics cheat engine table active (which disables smokes from vents and stuff)
I have the graphics settings set to medium to high when I'm not practicing speedruns and I get 27-50 fps.
The game is installed on a SSD, but the user files are on a 1TB HDD, so the Mirrors Edge Catalyst user folder is in HDD\My Documents. When that folder is on the HDD, I get massive stutter (specially when the game autosaves), but I create an symbolic link (mklink) and place the user folder on the SSD, the problem disappears. I also tried placing the folder on a internal 320GB HDD, and the stutter is almost inexistent compared to when the user folder is on the 1TB HDD. I don't know how or why this is happening, but it looks weird to say the least.
I registered just so I could thank you. I had tried everything to fix those stutters. Cpu overclock, reinstalling gpu drivers, sound drivers, installing on SSD, frame capping using in game GameVariable, capping with RTSS, nvidia inspector, setting pre rendered frames, highest to lowest settings, pagefile increase, setting it to high priority, disabling HPET,
Nothing worked! I almost gave up on this game. I had read each and every post on stuttering related to this game, including yours but never thought the solution could be this bizarre! So I gave this a try, used a symbolic link and BAM! Hyper settings, 1080p 60 fps ultra smooth on i54690k, gtx 1070, 8GB ddr3! How the **** was I supposed to figure this out on my own?! I had the game on SSD but the libraries redirected to an 1 TB HDD. Never would I think that savefiles being on the HDD could cause those stutters. It makes sense though b'coz I've observed this game autosaves every 5-10 seconds and that's when those stutters occur.
Thanks a TON @fons_garmo . Without you I would have never figured this out.
Whatever the reason may be, it's probably the same reason they're not doing anything else with the game either. Officially, they haven't done anything to it since July last year.
Did you also try using Display Driver Uninstaller before installing the latest driver?
What are your system specs?
changing user generated content to bookmarks fix it for me
i5 4690 16gb + 512gb ssd + 2x r9 380 4gb
eyefinity plp
You're very welcome! Weird... bug? I don't know but to me it looks like the game needs a patch, hopefully DICE will deliver it...
When I first started I had this weird issue where the mouse movement was really choppy. Turns out it has to be run at 60Hz on my monitor, because apparently the mouse polling is done at 60Hz. This is really a strange design choice (at best), because I've never experienced this in any other game that I can remember.
Anyway, once at 60Hz everything is smooth except for those small stutters which happen all the time and are really annoying. The framerate takes a hit down to about 52 or so. It affects the controls and makes it harder to play.
This is just not good enough, DICE!
My rig:
i7-2700K @ 4.4GHz
ASUS P8P67-Deluxe
nVidia GTX 980 Ti
Either way I'm pretty certain it's how this engine interacts with the cpu that's causing it.
Because they only care about BF1 at the moment, a game that was already played out the moment it was released if you asked me. I'd rather stick with BF4, and get patches and DLC for MEC as this game has so much potential if I could actually... you know... play it!