ME:C was amazing! But like any game, it has some good parts and some bad parts. This is my honest review of ME:C -
Faith: A lot of people on the forums don't really like Faith's look, and they prefer her old style better. But in my opinion, Faith's new outfit is so much better. In the first game, Faith had these really baggy cargo pants which basically defied aerodynamics and they wouldn't be easy to run and vault in. In Catalyst, her outfit was way more sleek and complemented the environments/city she was in.
Glass: I think the city in this game is way more vast and beautiful. The architecture is beautiful and I couldn't ask for anything more. However, half of the map wasn't even explorable in the game. (The part of the city that is tinted red is explorable)

As seen in that picture, there is so much of the map that is un-explorable. All of the map that isn't being used may be in a future DLC or sequel but who knows. I also liked the way the employs of Glass were affected by Faith's actions. At the beginning of the game, if you ran on-top of an apartment complex you could here the people inside mistaking Faith for their cat. But at the end, the people inside would sort of be afraid of the runners and want them gone.
Parkour: The parkour in this game was way more fluid than the last one. I wish their were more tricks to do besides the backflip and that side roll, but oh well.
And lastly, the story & characters. These have some of the most major flaws of the game. (I'm gonna spoiler tag the rest of this just in case.)
I liked all of the characters, but I really feel that Birdman and Nomad needed way more screen-time in the game. They kind of disappeared after Faith met plastic. I thought Nomad was supposed to be her best-friend? How come they didn't do any runs together? Aline was interesting, but her role was useless. I think Plastic could've done all of the stuff Aline did without fail. If plastic can hack into the MetaGrid, than she probably can implement a virus on the OmniStat device. Noah was likeable in the game. He guided her through the missions and was basically her father. His character seemed a little boring and he didn't have much depth. However, his death was way more impactful as
@HaraldHoerwick said. Next is Icarus. Icarus is one of my favorite characters by far. I like the conflict between Icarus and Faith, but their development as friends was kind of rushed along with the story. I kinda see a future love interest with Faith and Icarus... I SHIP IT! Last is Cat, Faith's brainwashed sister. Gabriel Kruger took her into adoption after the November Riots, then forced her to believe Faith and her family died in the riots, and then made her believe they didn't exist anymore. I liked Faith & Cat's relations ship better in this game. In the first Mirror's Edge, Faith and Cat seemed to be more like friends than sisters. In Catalyst, they had a 'Love Hate Relationship'. Cat was revealed way too late in the game. They finally meet at the last minuet on the Helipad and have a extremely rushed conversation about their past. Then whilst the Shard is collapsing around them, Cat randomly decides to side with Faith and protect her? Mind you, Cat has been brainwashed her whole entire life that leeches are BAD and runners are BAD and that the Conglomerate is GOOD, then she just sides with Faith like that? She saves Faith after the helipad falls under their feet, and somehow ends up on the helicopter with Kruger not on it (That's where he dies I'm guessing?). Cat gets promoted to head of KrugerSEC and that's about it with her.
Now onto the actual story: The story in this game was way too short, but it was more fleshed out and likable in comparison to the last one. Here is the story in a nutshell: Faith gets released from prison and meets back up with the runner cabal. On her first "Real Run", Faith steals a drive from an OmniStat agent at Elysium Labs. She meets Plastic and she decrypts the drive and they discover that it is the blueprint for "Reflection". Reflection is a way for the Conglomerate to take full control over Cascadia and all of its Employs emotionally, mentally, and physically. Faith realizes she needs to find a way to stop the Conglomerate but before she can, KSEC raids their runner Lair and kidnaps their whole cabal besides Faith and Icarus. Faith and Icarus take shelter in the Black November HQ until it's safe for them to leave. While staying their, Faith discovers her sister and a place called Kingdom. She finds Noah down there and he dies from Reflection. KSEC raids the Black November HQ taking back Cat. Faith meets Aline Mera and helps them escape from Kingdom. Aline, Faith, Icarus and Plastic find a way to stop reflection by going to the top of the shard and inserting a virus into some console. Faith stops reflection, fights her sister, and at the end of it all... nothing changed. Literally nothing. That's my biggest problem is that at the end of the entire game, the city doesn't change one bit
Overall, the game was amazing. It was more than I could've ever asked for. But it had some flaws that can be fixed and I can't wait for the next game

Comment below if you have anything to add or state (:
Thanks! I hope they announce something too. Did they confirm a DLC?
Celeste left with her sister for Neridia Nova before Faith got out of jail. What I would've liked would be at least a brief cinematic showing the events of the Exordium comics to explain the story to people that didn't read them.