I don't know if its just me, but I honestly prefer the look of Glass from the E3 trailer a bit more.

I saw this topic on another forum and I just wanted to discuss it here. Anyway, in the picture above, Glass looks a lot more dystopian and terrifying---and I feel that's what this game needs. I understand that they wanted to portray Glass in a way where it looked beautiful and livable, but underneath the city it had a "dirty little secret". But I feel that Glass should give you goosebumps rather than the "oos" and "awes". I remember in the beginning scene of the E3 trailer they had the lady stating the Conglomerate policy, 'Every new day holds a promise', 'Personal freedom comes at a price.' etc. and that really gave me goosebumps. But I didn't get that feeling when actually playing the game. I just felt like I was running through any good old futuristic city. I should really feel like I'm running through a city thats twisted and run by an oppressive, corporate, government/Conglomerate. Glass should look dystopian and terrifying, not like San Francisco Bay in Star Trek. I hope I'm not the only one who feels that Glass didn't look as scary and twisted than it should be. Don't get me wrong, I loved the city in the game and it couldn't of been prettier, but it really needed to be scarier and more intriguing. So maybe in the next game, if Faith and the squad go to Aurora or OmniStat, they will make Cascadia and the new enviorments look more terrifying than utopian. What do you guys think?