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Will this game ever be playable in 4K? SLI support is terrible. — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

Will this game ever be playable in 4K? SLI support is terrible.

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Will this game ever be playable in 4K? SLI support is terrible.

As title.
This game is unplayable on a single card in 4K, even a Titan X Pascal can't run it 4K at 60FPS.

For this reason people like me buys SLI.
I have two GTX980 Ti overclocked and the SLI scaling is terrible, sometimes I have framerate drop down to 20FPS with cards running at 50%.

Is there someone working on this there?


  • Okay there are a few settings you should turn down for a massive FPS boost. I run in 4K with a 970 and get solid 30-40fps so with your setup you should be able to get 60fps easy.

    First thing is turn off motion blur, when its trying to render all those pixels then blur them with movement it destroys your frames

    Second is turn reflections down to low, sounds like it will look bad but it just reduces the amount of relections but their still clean and nice looking

    You can also lower the one that affects anti aliasing I think its post processing, cause AA isnt needed much at 4K

    Finally turn off the vram auto scalining limitation checkbox thing

    With all other settings on high/ultra you should be able to enjoy 60fps!
  • You are not SLI-limited--you're CPU-limited. SLI works perfectly in this game (near 90% scaling, by my testing). Buy a better CPU.
  • (You're going to argue with me. Don't--I'm right. Monitor CPU utilization while playing the game, and you'll see that it's near maxed at all times. When you see both GPUs around 50%, it is always the case that the game is using more CPU power than you have available to spare. It doesn't indicate that SLI is the issue. When you see one card at 99% and the other at 2%, then yes, SLI is not working properly. It's forum posts like yours that give SLI a bad name and cause others to fail to adapt it, so be sure that you know what you're talking about before you post. Thanks.)
  • MECTester wrote: »
    You are not SLI-limited--you're CPU-limited. SLI works perfectly in this game (near 90% scaling, by my testing). Buy a better CPU.

    I'm running an i7 5930K @ 4.2GHz, 6 core 12 threads, with 16GB of DDR4 @ 3GHz.
    CPU utilizations is no where near 50% while playing.
  • **** game.
  • InfinXitive
    7 posts
    edited November 2016
    With the current drivers and 2x 980 Ti OC+, I'm getting 40 FPS at 2160p and a mix of Ultra and Hyper settings. 3930k CPU at stock frequency.
  • Disabling PhysX by selecting CPU in Nvidia Control Panel changes nothing. I don't think this game even uses PhysX. Also, turning everything back up to Hyper didn't seem to make a difference. I am still getting 40-50 fps at 2160p. My second GPU is running at high nineties while the first one is in the high seventies and low eighties. Strange.
  • I don't think this game even uses PhysX.

    Exactly, it does not. Frostbite games use Havok Physics.
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