Hi, I have MEC on XONE, unfortunately none of my friends have an xbox whatsoever so I don't have any friends to play with. Would really love to try out your trials/BEAT L.Es etc.
My name is
DimmerTexas2677 (before you ask, thats what it gave me, I didn't change it).
Or you can add your username so I can add you
No glitches. The only one I would use is gliding, but I'm pretty sure I didn't place one from gliding.
Edit: actually now that I think about it there is one. It's "I almost got there"
Haha I tried that one first
Dude, how did to get to those places?
Which ones? Lol. Message me sometime and I'll tell you how.
Added you too.
gt: neeknoo
I got some fun/Challenging time trials
To anybody who can get even one of his LE s , I salute you. I have almost lost all of my hair trying for them >[