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Isn't having windmills on shard kinda risky? — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

Isn't having windmills on shard kinda risky?

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Isn't having windmills on shard kinda risky?

If it then came one storm strong enough and then if the brakes failed. It could take the fan blades to speeds that would tear them apart with centrifugal force.

Not sure about the construction strength in the Shard but this would might be catastrophic if it happened to one or two of the blades in Shard. Black novemeber where able to do some good havoc with their bomb. But maybe black november should try this next time instead of a bomb?


  • In fact, the bomb by Black November damaged one of the blades enough to fall apart. I think the windmill is used for electricity generation within The Shard, so it could basically be a giant windmill attached to a building which houses people and businesses. So, if something were to go wrong with the windmill itself, that can't be good.
    Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
  • I gotta be honest he makes a point. Let's say that another bomb exploded on the shard. The windmill would collapse and destroy a good part of the city of glass
  • I gotta be honest he makes a point. Let's say that another bomb exploded on the shard. The windmill would collapse and destroy a good part of the city of glass
    I agree. The base of The Shard would be totally destroyed, and much of Sky City beneath it would be wiped out too.
    Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
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