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BEAT LE & Time Challenges — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
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BEAT LE & Time Challenges

Hi everyone,

I've read online that other people have had this issue, but I've not been able to find a solution. 7 weeks ago I began creating BEAT LEs and Time Challenges while playing on my PS4. Not one single person has clicked on any of them for the entire seven weeks. I do not believe my challenges are appearing for anyone to see. I have installed the app on my phone, I've renamed the challenges, I've made sure they are publicly listed, I've got Playstation Plus (if that effects anything) and yet nothing has happened. I've placed BEAT LEs right next to other people's BEAT LEs that are clearly active. When checked later, mine had zero while the other had a few more people. Something is wrong, but I'm not sure what. Any ideas would be great. Thanks!
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