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Mirrors edge E3 2015 presentation music? — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

Mirrors edge E3 2015 presentation music?

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Mirrors edge E3 2015 presentation music?

Anyone know the name of the song that is playing during the presentation at 1:51?

cant seem to find it on the Mirrors Edge Catalyst Soundtrack :/


Many Thanks


  • i think its just a track used for the presentation. i rather like to know where i cna get the track we have heard in the trailers, since it does sound different to the one on the soundtrack.
  • It's actually a part of The Shard's soundtrack. It's not played in the game but it's included in the official soundtrack.
  • that clears it up. i have listened to the soundtrack now 3 times but remembering certain parts from a 5 hours soundtrack, can be easily overlooked.
  • metalrocks wrote: »
    that clears it up. i have listened to the soundtrack now 3 times but remembering certain parts from a 5 hours soundtrack, can be easily overlooked.

    I've watched the presentation for a few times and I loved the music that this thread mentioned, so I could recognize this part when I first listened to the official soundtrack :)
  • Oops I mixed it up. The track didn't appear in the official soundtrack but I swear I have heard it somewhere in a gamerip soundtrack....
  • ImUrFriend
    167 posts
    edited November 2016
    Like metalrocks said, it's music used in presentation. They always do this even during BF 1 World Reveal, nobody could even find the sound rip files in the game or anywhere. Basically it's a mixed version form The Shard soundtrack
    I am Iman.
  • Thanks guys for the responses after posting this up I listened to the soundtrack again and I also thought it was the shard aswell but it wasn't :(. I have been trying to find this track for ages but I guess its like ImUrFriend said a mixed version of the The Shard that may never be released :(.
  • it is a shame that certain tracks will never be released, but at least we have a 5 hours soundtrack.
  • Steveglowplunk
    52 posts
    edited November 2016
    Don't be disappointed mate, I finally found out where did I hear the track. It's called "Shard Puzzle 01", from the gamerip by VladlenCry. It's exactly the same as in the presentation. You probably cannot find it on YouTube. In fact the rip has some tracks that are not in the official soundtrack nor played in the main game ("Vive Bonus" and "Shard Puzzle 01" are some examples)
  • well done with the search. im not that disappointed, just find it a bit awkward that they play some tracks the does fit the game and you expect it to be in the soundtrack.
  • Don't be disappointed mate, I finally found out where did I hear the track. It's called "Shard Puzzle 01", from the gamerip by VladlenCry. It's exactly the same as in the presentation. You probably cannot find it on YouTube. In fact the rip has some tracks that are not in the official soundtrack nor played in the main game ("Vive Bonus" and "Shard Puzzle 01" are some examples)

    OMG thank you so much Steveglowplunk :D, your the best.

    Yh I agree metalrocks some of these unused track should of been featured in the soundtrack. Then again solar field's soundtrack for the first Mirrors Edge has been mixes of the game tracks aswell.
  • Hey nice search Steve! Do you have the link so we can listen to it too? I remember that even in the first Mirror's Edge there's also a soundtrack I couldn't find on Yt but it's in the game.
    I am Iman.
  • Steveglowplunk
    52 posts
    edited November 2016
    ImUrFriend wrote: »
    Hey nice search Steve! Do you have the link so we can listen to it too? I remember that even in the first Mirror's Edge there's also a soundtrack I couldn't find on Yt but it's in the game.

    Sorry mate but I don't think the mods like me to post a link. Just go and search it. It's on a russian site. It even has tutorial on how to rip the tracks yourself.
    And yes the rip has the music from the jukebox too.
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