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New name for next Mirror's Edge title - Page 2 — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
Whatever the name is, I want it soo bad! People raged that this game sucks because their imagination was not materialized in the game. Probably also bad expectations management from the team.
Still I believe it's amazing and I'd love to see another part! But the name? Freefall sounds nice.
What about Mirror's Edge: Reaction - as a natural continuation of the catalyst in first part.
i can think of a few, but to me none of mine would suit...
Mirrors edge catalyst 2
Mirrors edge catalyst part 2
Mirrors edge Free Fall
Mirrors edge Dystopian
Mirrors edge: The Broken Glass
They're not the best either, but i like mirrors edge exiled, my favorite of mine is mirrors edge Free Fall...
Hey guess what? I've found that someone had the same name idea "Freefall" 2 years ago!
*Found in Deviantart*
hahah, nice job!!! i think that name would work in my opinion!!!
What about Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Part II. Not nearly as creative or original as the ones you've suggested, but it sounds better than MEC 2 and could be a way to avoid confusion for new players asking "should I play the first Catalyst game?"
What about Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Part II. Not nearly as creative or original as the ones you've suggested, but it sounds better than MEC 2 and could be a way to avoid confusion for new players asking "should I play the first Catalyst game?"
Pretty okay, but there's no flair into that kind of name. Part II sounds like Catalyst had a very long story line, but it certainly doesn't. It's just the start they intended to finish. *pun intended*
Like "Exordium" for example, means it's the beginning of an episode, or a prologue of some sort.
Catalyst is the start of something new after an event with Black November and the Runners. This means that like I'm suggesting, the next one should be a name for a new event since the Catalyst days are over ( I hope).
One thing I'm wondering about, both stories ends up with you on the top storey (yes, yes!) of the tallest building - what will they do next? Maybe go to the next city with a new Shard?
Only Sky City has The Shard. No way they're gonna make another one. It's under reconstruction by now since the explosion there. heheh.
I honestly was expecting The Shard to be available in free roam before finishing the game. Maybe there will be a dlc for it?
lol same... DLC? Well, some hoping for a new DLC, and some hoping for the sequel instead.
I was actually disappointed at this- Sky City is just another district of Glass, so I felt that it should have been in free roam- maybe how it was before getting attacked by Black November?
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
Speaking about the technology, the Mag rope. Should it be in the next one? Do you even like it if they did appear in the future? I quite like the idea of flying from one place to another, but doing this type of concept, ruins the Parkour element in this game, especially if it's called Mirror's Edge. For me its a cheap way to get to another building. Much like the zipline but that's probably an excuse for it being in the first game, it's still cool!
Idk, but do you guys like the Magrope?
I definitely liked the Mag Rope- I felt it gave Faith's running an extra edge over KrugerSec without it seeming too good to be true, or saving her in every situation. It didn't detract from her running ability, it enhanced it. Plus it feels and looks cool.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
I don't know about you guys. But last night I had a thought..
For the DLC, it would a tremendous idea to play as Icarus throughout the story where it picks up right when how he got out becoming a runner, to working with Rebbeca Thane for a short period, and to the day where he got saved by Aisha, Caleb and with Noah and eventually, helping Faith getting out from juvie. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to play as Icarus so that there will be more holes to fill in between the 2 year period to see any big events going on within the city?
I remember Noah mentioned "The city's changed since you were taken Faith," Doesn't that sound like a clue for a DLC?
I don't know about you guys. But last night I had a thought..
For the DLC, it would a tremendous idea to play as Icarus throughout the story where it picks up right when how he got out becoming a runner, to working with Rebbeca Thane for a short period, and to the day where he got saved by Aisha, Caleb and with Noah and eventually, helping Faith getting out from juvie. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to play as Icarus so that there will be more holes to fill in between the 2 year period to see any big events going on within the city?
I remember Noah mentioned "The city's changed since you were taken Faith," Doesn't that sound like a clue for a DLC?
I agree, I was always curious about Icarus' past, and it wasn't explained enough in the recordings or documents either. I feel that DICE deliberately left a few mysteries untouched in the game to make room for a DLC or a sequel. So my hopes are definitely up. I feel that they wouldn't risk leaving the story unfinished like they did with the first game.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
mirrors edge breaking point, refraction, shatter point, boiling point, shards, reflection (for emphasis on the sisters), combustion (my idea of next game is a major rebellion (as desired and referenced by black November which destroys the cities infrastructure and their high tech weapons which leads to them using outdated weapons thus we have mirrors edge 1 game primed to occur)
Too bad now Infinity Ward already took that "Continuum" name for their Infinite Warfare.
Could be possible!
Anybody here downloaded the Runtastic app? They're awesome! Noah's voice makes me feel like I'm in Glass haha.
And there's a saying that it has more stories going on with Faith? The story also mentioned "The Diamond" wonder what is it?
mirrors edge sanctum of eden
mirrors edge equilibrium
mirrors edge through the looking glass
mirrors edge broken mirror
Personally I like Mirror's Edge: Equilibrium. Call me biased since I study chemistry, but it links with the first game, not just through the title, but also through the theme. If Faith and the Runners were a 'catalyst' for the revolution in MEC, then it makes chronological sense that in a sequel, the Conglomerate and its enemies will be at an equilibrium- both sides will be fighting equally hard but their battle won't be over too quickly, it'll be an ongoing struggle.
Then maybe in the third game (if there will be one) one side will come out as the true victor in their "war". Does anyone know a fancy term for when a reaction is complete? Mirror's Edge: Resolution maybe??
Anyhow, I think it would be wrong to build a game around its title- the same with any novel, movie, song etc. It's better to create it first and then pick out the most appropriate name that fits its mood, style, themes, plot and so on.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
Do you guys think the comic book is really a good idea to tell the story of this game?
I find the book itself very interesting indeed. But as a promotional campaign, it's kind of a flop. I can't even find the comic on sale in my local bookstores. :-( Should they do the same for the possible sequel?
Do you guys think the comic book is really a good idea to tell the story of this game?
I find the book itself very interesting indeed. But as a promotional campaign, it's kind of a flop. I can't even find the comic on sale in my local bookstores. :-( Should they do the same for the possible sequel?
i got mine from darkhorse comics website. was cheaper too and easier to read since you can zoom in and see and read the text much clearer.
Do you guys think the comic book is really a good idea to tell the story of this game?
I find the book itself very interesting indeed. But as a promotional campaign, it's kind of a flop. I can't even find the comic on sale in my local bookstores. :-( Should they do the same for the possible sequel?
The idea to have the world introduced in a comic book followed by a sequel in a game was absolutely ****. Especially when the Comic book has more narrative and very clear A from Z journey while the game struggles and throws us characters "we're supposed" to care about yet as a player its the first time we see them. Emotionally I found the game disconnecting with many of the most important pieces of informations happening over Radio Talk. There's this very very very weird moment I had (to be honest) no idea why Faith's cared so much for Noah (and why he cared so much for her) until I got to Sanctuary and near the jail where Noah is detained, if you wait in the corridor rather than going for the cinematic trigger a bit later, Noah will states his emotion and how he acted like a father figured to Faith. This may have been developed in the Comic but it was really not the proper way to do it in the game with the still cinematic to be honest.
Also, flashback that are not flashback to the comic but prior to everything to faith's young age, it was lazy, poorly executed with still photography in cinematic and added very little to the narrative to be honest beside understanding that Kruger is the bad guy and Faith has a sister.
I really hope they move away from that comic prequel stuff to a very well defined story with a beginning, a middle and an end I can feel concerned of by learning as faith learns the world I'm in.
Do you guys think the comic book is really a good idea to tell the story of this game?
I find the book itself very interesting indeed. But as a promotional campaign, it's kind of a flop. I can't even find the comic on sale in my local bookstores. :-( Should they do the same for the possible sequel?
The idea to have the world introduced in a comic book followed by a sequel in a game was absolutely ****. Especially when the Comic book has more narrative and very clear A from Z journey while the game struggles and throws us characters "we're supposed" to care about yet as a player its the first time we see them. Emotionally I found the game disconnecting with many of the most important pieces of informations happening over Radio Talk. There's this very very very weird moment I had (to be honest) no idea why Faith's cared so much for Noah (and why he cared so much for her) until I got to Sanctuary and near the jail where Noah is detained, if you wait in the corridor rather than going for the cinematic trigger a bit later, Noah will states his emotion and how he acted like a father figured to Faith. This may have been developed in the Comic but it was really not the proper way to do it in the game with the still cinematic to be honest.
Also, flashback that are not flashback to the comic but prior to everything to faith's young age, it was lazy, poorly executed with still photography in cinematic and added very little to the narrative to be honest beside understanding that Kruger is the bad guy and Faith has a sister.
I really hope they move away from that comic prequel stuff to a very well defined story with a beginning, a middle and an end I can feel concerned of by learning as faith learns the world I'm in.
Bam. Finally a proper explanation...
So Raycevick was right then. At first I doubt it but then, after realizing there's the comic book. Then yeah, it makes sense.
The comic is interesting in a sense to be honest. It feels much closer to the first Mirror's Edge where you're introduce to the world and the character, Faith and all the runners. You understand their codes, their factions and what everyone does in the ecosystem. You also see Celeste (from the first game) and the narrative is enough interesting to hold your breath and retain some sort of logic as you progress. ME:C is kind of the opposite, it's one thing added on top of another thing with absolute big random events connecting with no logic at all (Faith do a Run, there's someone from Omnistat stealing Datas, Kruger is there, Faith ends up having the data and her pursuer who seems to be the main vilain happens to be her sister).
There's way too much going on in a classical tails construction and the way they threw us characters here and there were very light. I wanted so much to learn more about Nomad, Icarus and all. There's also in the game this rich girl who asks you to spy on her cheating husband, for a moment I thought it was the ME:C version of Celeste, it just happens it's a girl Faith barely meet in the comic book but helps her escapes a night club.
It's too bad the actual backstory isn't more present in the game because it would have elevated it to such a weight the game could have easily stayed in people's mind. The gameplay is outstanding for a First Person, the design is gorgeous and clean that changes us a lot from other games trying to give us dirty grim dark look because evil is evil looking. Dogen is also far more interesting and intimidating in the comic book. I never understood why people fear Dogen in the game, he seemed actually to be some nice caring guy. He has a much darker and "Mafia" like personality in the comic book.
I hope ME3 will learn from this and move on in the direction to give us a complete story not half baked in a comic book that has more narrative than a Single Player game.
Hey guys... While waiting for the future of Mirror's Edge, I decided to make a few vector logo based on your 'new name' ideas! Check it out :
1. ME 3
2. ME Revolution
3. ME FreeFall
4. ?
Hey guys... While waiting for the future of Mirror's Edge, I decided to make a few vector logo based on your 'new name' ideas! Check it out :
1. ME 3
2. ME Revolution
3. ME FreeFall
4. ?
dude omg, those are awesome!!!! they are so cool!!! this is making me get really hyped now for a new mirrors edge!!!
Hey guys... While waiting for the future of Mirror's Edge, I decided to make a few vector logo based on your 'new name' ideas! Check it out :
1. ME 3
2. ME Revolution
3. ME FreeFall
4. ?
Loving the first and third designs. Great ideas.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
Too bad now Infinity Ward already took that "Continuum" name for their Infinite Warfare.
Could be possible!
Anybody here downloaded the Runtastic app? They're awesome! Noah's voice makes me feel like I'm in Glass haha.
And there's a saying that it has more stories going on with Faith? The story also mentioned "The Diamond" wonder what is it?
Which story?
Also, Diamond/Shard, maybe it's a building in another city? Or just in Glass itself?
"Yeah yeah I'm sure the birds are real impressed Faith, but once you're done showing off think you might concentrate on some actual work?!!" - Merc
Too bad now Infinity Ward already took that "Continuum" name for their Infinite Warfare.
Could be possible!
Anybody here downloaded the Runtastic app? They're awesome! Noah's voice makes me feel like I'm in Glass haha.
And there's a saying that it has more stories going on with Faith? The story also mentioned "The Diamond" wonder what is it?
Which story?
Also, Diamond/Shard, maybe it's a building in another city? Or just in Glass itself?
Oh nothing. Turns out it's just a story Jim Pirri narrating to you while I'm running. For real. The Diamond is a name of another store. Just another courier jobs. Technically I'm running with Noah and escaping from Ksecs. haha
Am i the only one that liked ME1 much more than MEC?
I wish they'd just forget about MEC and make a real ME2. Faith' sister was no villian for example, just a police officer. but in MEC they decided to make Faith' sister in a hyper cool stiley hipster villian. Why? The whole story got of ME1 got hipsterized in MEC. I don't like that.
Am i the only one that liked ME1 much more than MEC?
I wish they'd just forget about MEC and make a real ME2. Faith' sister was no villian for example, just a police officer. but in MEC they decided to make Faith' sister in a hyper cool stiley hipster villian. Why? The whole story got of ME1 got hipsterized in MEC. I don't like that.
I think you're mistaking what a hipster is. ME1 had barely (no) story. It was brick here and there to create a small linear experience for some kind of tech demo by a small team of developers among the studio.
Everything in ME1 is as dull and **** as ME:C (I'm referring at Project Icarus, Celeste twist, Faith's rescuing her... SISTER). It was bad storytelling, only acceptable because the gameplay experience was so rewarding. But today it's a bit old and doesn't feel smooth. I think both game have their strength and weakness, I can't pick any. I'm just glad ME:C was not a ME1 linear type of the game with the kind of story it had, it would have been all the mistake of ME1 all over again.
Problems of Mirror's Edges aren't on the conceptual level, they actually nailed it IMO (the politic, the universe, the content and the environment you evolve in) the problem is on how it's actually written on paper in both game. Concepts are one thing but having them work in a story with characters interacting is something else entirely and they haven't nailed it so far. There was great idea in Catalyst too (Sci Fi anticipation, Capitalism / Communism / Anarchism fights, Reflection, modern technology, state spying) but they only all felt short because of their execution and how they appear in the game.
Am i the only one that liked ME1 much more than MEC?
I wish they'd just forget about MEC and make a real ME2. Faith' sister was no villian for example, just a police officer. but in MEC they decided to make Faith' sister in a hyper cool stiley hipster villian. Why? The whole story got of ME1 got hipsterized in MEC. I don't like that.
I think you're mistaking what a hipster is. ME1 had barely (no) story. It was brick here and there to create a small linear experience for some kind of tech demo by a small team of developers among the studio.
Everything in ME1 is as dull and **** as ME:C (I'm referring at Project Icarus, Celeste twist, Faith's rescuing her... SISTER). It was bad storytelling, only acceptable because the gameplay experience was so rewarding. But today it's a bit old and doesn't feel smooth. I think both game have their strength and weakness, I can't pick any. I'm just glad ME:C was not a ME1 linear type of the game with the kind of story it had, it would have been all the mistake of ME1 all over again.
Problems of Mirror's Edges aren't on the conceptual level, they actually nailed it IMO (the politic, the universe, the content and the environment you evolve in) the problem is on how it's actually written on paper in both game. Concepts are one thing but having them work in a story with characters interacting is something else entirely and they haven't nailed it so far. There was great idea in Catalyst too (Sci Fi anticipation, Capitalism / Communism / Anarchism fights, Reflection, modern technology, state spying) but they only all felt short because of their execution and how they appear in the game.
MEC's open world was a good idea. I remember feeling restricted and frustrated in ME1 because I so badly wanted to go off on my own and explore the rest of the city to my heart's content. But, although MEC's open world is expansive, it needs more depth and life.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
Am i the only one that liked ME1 much more than MEC?
I wish they'd just forget about MEC and make a real ME2. Faith' sister was no villian for example, just a police officer. but in MEC they decided to make Faith' sister in a hyper cool stiley hipster villian. Why? The whole story got of ME1 got hipsterized in MEC. I don't like that.
I really want to know what happens to Faith and Kate after the ending of ME1 too. Do they overturn Project Icarus? Is Kate cleared of her "crime"? Do we get to meet other runners such as Drake? However I doubt that they would make a sequel for it. If there's going to be an ME3, it will be a continuation of Catalyst.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
Still I believe it's amazing and I'd love to see another part! But the name? Freefall sounds nice.
What about Mirror's Edge: Reaction - as a natural continuation of the catalyst in first part.
hahah, nice job!!! i think that name would work in my opinion!!!
Pretty okay, but there's no flair into that kind of name. Part II sounds like Catalyst had a very long story line, but it certainly doesn't. It's just the start they intended to finish. *pun intended*
Like "Exordium" for example, means it's the beginning of an episode, or a prologue of some sort.
Catalyst is the start of something new after an event with Black November and the Runners. This means that like I'm suggesting, the next one should be a name for a new event since the Catalyst days are over ( I hope).
I was actually disappointed at this- Sky City is just another district of Glass, so I felt that it should have been in free roam- maybe how it was before getting attacked by Black November?
I definitely liked the Mag Rope- I felt it gave Faith's running an extra edge over KrugerSec without it seeming too good to be true, or saving her in every situation. It didn't detract from her running ability, it enhanced it. Plus it feels and looks cool.
For the DLC, it would a tremendous idea to play as Icarus throughout the story where it picks up right when how he got out becoming a runner, to working with Rebbeca Thane for a short period, and to the day where he got saved by Aisha, Caleb and with Noah and eventually, helping Faith getting out from juvie. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to play as Icarus so that there will be more holes to fill in between the 2 year period to see any big events going on within the city?
I remember Noah mentioned "The city's changed since you were taken Faith," Doesn't that sound like a clue for a DLC?
Too bad now Infinity Ward already took that "Continuum" name for their Infinite Warfare.
Could be possible!
Anybody here downloaded the Runtastic app? They're awesome! Noah's voice makes me feel like I'm in Glass haha.
And there's a saying that it has more stories going on with Faith? The story also mentioned "The Diamond" wonder what is it?
Personally I like Mirror's Edge: Equilibrium. Call me biased since I study chemistry, but it links with the first game, not just through the title, but also through the theme. If Faith and the Runners were a 'catalyst' for the revolution in MEC, then it makes chronological sense that in a sequel, the Conglomerate and its enemies will be at an equilibrium- both sides will be fighting equally hard but their battle won't be over too quickly, it'll be an ongoing struggle.
Then maybe in the third game (if there will be one) one side will come out as the true victor in their "war". Does anyone know a fancy term for when a reaction is complete? Mirror's Edge: Resolution maybe??
Anyhow, I think it would be wrong to build a game around its title- the same with any novel, movie, song etc. It's better to create it first and then pick out the most appropriate name that fits its mood, style, themes, plot and so on.
I find the book itself very interesting indeed. But as a promotional campaign, it's kind of a flop. I can't even find the comic on sale in my local bookstores. :-( Should they do the same for the possible sequel?
i got mine from darkhorse comics website. was cheaper too and easier to read since you can zoom in and see and read the text much clearer.
The idea to have the world introduced in a comic book followed by a sequel in a game was absolutely ****. Especially when the Comic book has more narrative and very clear A from Z journey while the game struggles and throws us characters "we're supposed" to care about yet as a player its the first time we see them. Emotionally I found the game disconnecting with many of the most important pieces of informations happening over Radio Talk. There's this very very very weird moment I had (to be honest) no idea why Faith's cared so much for Noah (and why he cared so much for her) until I got to Sanctuary and near the jail where Noah is detained, if you wait in the corridor rather than going for the cinematic trigger a bit later, Noah will states his emotion and how he acted like a father figured to Faith. This may have been developed in the Comic but it was really not the proper way to do it in the game with the still cinematic to be honest.
Also, flashback that are not flashback to the comic but prior to everything to faith's young age, it was lazy, poorly executed with still photography in cinematic and added very little to the narrative to be honest beside understanding that Kruger is the bad guy and Faith has a sister.
I really hope they move away from that comic prequel stuff to a very well defined story with a beginning, a middle and an end I can feel concerned of by learning as faith learns the world I'm in.
Bam. Finally a proper explanation...
So Raycevick was right then. At first I doubt it but then, after realizing there's the comic book. Then yeah, it makes sense.
There's way too much going on in a classical tails construction and the way they threw us characters here and there were very light. I wanted so much to learn more about Nomad, Icarus and all. There's also in the game this rich girl who asks you to spy on her cheating husband, for a moment I thought it was the ME:C version of Celeste, it just happens it's a girl Faith barely meet in the comic book but helps her escapes a night club.
It's too bad the actual backstory isn't more present in the game because it would have elevated it to such a weight the game could have easily stayed in people's mind. The gameplay is outstanding for a First Person, the design is gorgeous and clean that changes us a lot from other games trying to give us dirty grim dark look because evil is evil looking. Dogen is also far more interesting and intimidating in the comic book. I never understood why people fear Dogen in the game, he seemed actually to be some nice caring guy. He has a much darker and "Mafia" like personality in the comic book.
I hope ME3 will learn from this and move on in the direction to give us a complete story not half baked in a comic book that has more narrative than a Single Player game.
1. ME 3
2. ME Revolution
3. ME FreeFall
4. ?
dude omg, those are awesome!!!! they are so cool!!! this is making me get really hyped now for a new mirrors edge!!!
Loving the first and third designs. Great ideas.
Which story?
Also, Diamond/Shard, maybe it's a building in another city? Or just in Glass itself?
Oh nothing. Turns out it's just a story Jim Pirri narrating to you while I'm running. For real. The Diamond is a name of another store. Just another courier jobs. Technically I'm running with Noah and escaping from Ksecs. haha
I wish they'd just forget about MEC and make a real ME2. Faith' sister was no villian for example, just a police officer. but in MEC they decided to make Faith' sister in a hyper cool stiley hipster villian. Why? The whole story got of ME1 got hipsterized in MEC. I don't like that.
I think you're mistaking what a hipster is. ME1 had barely (no) story. It was brick here and there to create a small linear experience for some kind of tech demo by a small team of developers among the studio.
Everything in ME1 is as dull and **** as ME:C (I'm referring at Project Icarus, Celeste twist, Faith's rescuing her... SISTER). It was bad storytelling, only acceptable because the gameplay experience was so rewarding. But today it's a bit old and doesn't feel smooth. I think both game have their strength and weakness, I can't pick any. I'm just glad ME:C was not a ME1 linear type of the game with the kind of story it had, it would have been all the mistake of ME1 all over again.
Problems of Mirror's Edges aren't on the conceptual level, they actually nailed it IMO (the politic, the universe, the content and the environment you evolve in) the problem is on how it's actually written on paper in both game. Concepts are one thing but having them work in a story with characters interacting is something else entirely and they haven't nailed it so far. There was great idea in Catalyst too (Sci Fi anticipation, Capitalism / Communism / Anarchism fights, Reflection, modern technology, state spying) but they only all felt short because of their execution and how they appear in the game.
MEC's open world was a good idea. I remember feeling restricted and frustrated in ME1 because I so badly wanted to go off on my own and explore the rest of the city to my heart's content. But, although MEC's open world is expansive, it needs more depth and life.
I really want to know what happens to Faith and Kate after the ending of ME1 too. Do they overturn Project Icarus? Is Kate cleared of her "crime"? Do we get to meet other runners such as Drake? However I doubt that they would make a sequel for it. If there's going to be an ME3, it will be a continuation of Catalyst.
Mirror's Edge : Kickstarter