Is anybody in the know if new content DLC is arriving,the last mirrors edge had some epic DLC that i really enjoyed so i can imagine that there is going to and hopefully be some new stuff?
The DLC from the previous installment was awsome so if they produce anything like that this would be a breath of fresh air and also awsome at the same time.
we can create our own trials in game? I think this is awesome .
Some people enjoys Mirror's Edge for its universe, characters, places.... So this DLC was a pain in my a** when it's out.
I'd really prefer side quests with new places, new stories, new epic moments....
There are enough possibilities to make parkour in the city at the time, so let's wish for something fresh (if it happens...)
I'm dying of running lonely in this city every night...
I agree, a DLC such as the one you mentioned for the original ME would have been great, especially because there was such little expansion of that world.