On multiple occasions, i, and many others have stated that we want to see more of mirrors edge. i can not explain to you how much this game means to me, and a lot of other people who are eager fans, this game is so unique and so different that there is no way that you can't just not continue on with it. Catalyst was a new shot, in some spots it worked, and in others it didn't, but that doesn't matter, there is always room for improvement, even if a game has been tweaked thousands of times, there is still room for improvement, always... i sooo badly, want to see another game, its unbelievable how much i want to see you bring Faith back for another story, for another adventure!!! The game has potential, it really really does, and i hope that you want to bring Faith back too, because she is such a unique character for such a fantastic game. Please, i beg to you DICE, don't give up, because us fans are still waiting, and we will be waiting with all the faith we can. we want you to bring Faith along and give her another adventure, don't let go on this franchise, it is so important, it is important to the fans who have stuck by and provided great ideas and concepts and support for another game and maybe even a DLC. DICE, you can do this... You are capable, and im typing this because i really really really want Faith to come back, we want Mirrors Edge Catalyst to become a fantastic game series, we all believe that you can do this, because we love mirrors edge with such a passion!!!
DICE we will be waiting, and im sure that you will bring us another masterpiece!!!
I really hope so too!!! The other day I was watching all the e3 conferences from 2013 2014 and 2015, and seeing the crowd cheer to all the mirrors edge content that was showed, especially when they first announced it, reminded me of how awesome it felt to see my favourite game come back to life!!! Thats whatmade me want to write this post!!!
In the next game, they need to add button combinations for certain techniques.
Ex. I hate wallrunning when I never want to and end up flying somewhere off course or dying. So maybe to do a wallrun, you gotta hold Forward and push Left or Right depending on the side of the wall. Or something better than that.
I am also especially disappointed that there was mention of multiplayer, but it's just ghosts of other players. That really turned me off, and I preordered it just for co-op multiplayer
The game just feels so empty, lonely, and the map is just small and a bit painful for my eyes as white objects blend way too much because of the bloom fx.
yeah, i understand what you are getting at, i would like the map to have a few more areas to roam in, but i ahve a feeling that there might be future dlc with new areas, because there is so much excess map you can hover over in the actual map of the game, and i feel that would of been so unnecessary if that was just how it is, because open world games usually have a margin you bump against which isn't that much. so maybe thats what the excess map is.
in my opinion i have no problem with wallrunning, but i am a pc player so i wouldnt know too much if you play on console. id also like to see coop, one idea i have is that in coop, you can choose a district from the map to play in, and one of you is faith, and the other is a K-Sec runner, or i guess sentinel, and as the sentinel you have to chase the other player, or faith, through that district, and you as the sentinel have to stop her from getting to the safe house on the other side of the district, and there could be a timer going.
these are just ideas, i just hope DICE really does consider another game.
i'm using your thread to post a what i find important opinion again of why this game received so much negativity. I don't know, i think i'm hitting the nail on the head with this, so here it goes:
Mirror's Edge Catalyst is great, great game. One thing did cause all the negativity:
The fact, that you couldn't find your bearings in the world. Let's face it, closing the runner's view and navigating through the world on your own, always knowing where you are, is the biggest challenge in this game. Not having constant points of orientation and objects with memorability causes loss of motivation and the question of meaning.
This then causes boredom, you heard it all over youtube and other sites, "the game is boring". And then all the other negative points followed. But in my opinion, this was what killed the game for the naggers. It's all about feelings and emotions. Rationally viewed the game is a masterpiece. Perfect voice acting, Perfect mechanics and overall functioning of the game, loading points perfect, loading times good, story perfect (and the nice extension of the comic), music awesome and dreamy, the game is high quality and very well made.
But for the next time, more memorable objects in the game world, additions in the inner and outer architecture design are needed. I know, it must be a **** lot of work, but i think, there is no other way around.
I hope that helps and someone reads this.
yes i agree with you to some point, i feel that if they make another game, they will definitely pick up on these points... i just want to see more...
A little bit like a Cat and Mouse game? That sounds interesting.
Also, I see what you mean about the map. They do seem to have left a lot of open space that could be filled up or used for new DLC content, so maybe they were saving up for DLC all along? Who knows ...
Yes, some people don't realise it because they were released with significant time gaps in between, but if you watch all of them in a row, you can see how the story and ideas have changed with each new trailer, up to the final game.
A good concept, personally though i hope they use the extra map space for dlc, because surely no game has a large map area and only have the centre of it explorable... i hope they produce a dlc, i feel its a necessary add on, a few more districts would be nice, a larger range of side missions with a bit of story, perfect to me. But unfortunately im a bit sceptical about it all, considering nothing has been announced, thats why I have my fingers crossed for E3 this year. Plus they could of delayed the announcement if they plan to announce one... I really hope so...
yeah, this a bit of a late reply, but i really hope they have taken such feedback contently, because they could add so much more to make it so much better, lets hope for something new at E3 soon...
Mirror’s Edge 1 means so much to me. It is a masterpiece! The gameplay, the gamedesign, the artdesign, the controls and mechanics, the humour, faith was unique and sympathic. ME1 beats MEC in every discipline! Even the animations were better in ME1 !! The only things i liked in MEC were the purple coloured japanese district and cutscenes (not the content and frequency of the cutscenes, since it was too cheesy and frequent but a cutscene is nicer than a comic strip)
If they bring a ME Catalyst 2 i won’t buy it. MEC is deleted out of my memory. You lost the soul and the spirit of Faith, of Mirror’s Edge! Bring ME1 spirit back again! DO NOT MAKE IT BIGGER! MAKE IT BETTER!
Strong opinion, but i disagree, me1 was certainly a great game, i love it as much as you do, catalyst to me was an improvement, the game flows beautifully, the mechanics are smooth, there are definitely aspects they could change to make it better, but i think going back to the old formula isn't the best idea. The open world was good, still could of been larger, but its what people wanted after the first game. Catalyst wasn't a failure, but it wasn't an absolute success either, they are still cracking the code for the franchise, and I think going forward is the only way, not back. Your opinion obviously can't be wrong, I respect it completely, but I have to disagree with it...
It's an improvement I agree.. It's the other part of the game that annoys some of the ME1 folks.
Both game suffers the same problem though, less apparent in ME1 but still present:
-Characters we've just met that we're supposed to care for because our protagonist has boring unknown past history with them.
-Trying too hard to force the political conspiracy instead of having it to run in the background as a side effect that could potentially "reveal" itself at the end instead of being "in your face" for the entire game.
-Game barely try to makes us progress. It goes into **** since the first mission and we're wandering around for long times with no idea whatsoever of what is expected from us. ME1 was a bit better on the narrative of this but only because the game was predictable linear, it's nowhere as good as people would love to believe. Most of the storyline is absent and is overshadowed by an incredible gameplay in both game (which is the real purpose of the game to be honest).
If there are things to improve for further game, I would focus on this:
*Keep MEC movement (tweak a bit to give us a sense of originality from the previous one but keep most of the core because they are **** good)
*Diversify the level so they don't fall into the generic repetitive copy/pasted prefabs. One great way to do that is to add vertical axe to the game from streets to rooftop instead of having runners stuck to the roofs that feels like a 2D flat surface. I'm not saying everything should be opened ala GTA or Assassin's creed but just add more segment on ground level to wander around and more possibilities to reach highest rooftop without glitching/cheating. More inside space too such as building interior.
*Re-center the game around the runners. Let us discovers their universe (uniqueness in cabale, diversity in characters, diversify the amount of interaction we have with runners.)
*Put the conspiracy theorist less "in your face" for the entire game.
*Make the narrative evolve from A to Z with B,C,D... in between (I know it sounds **** but Catalyst seems like to start at J and end at Q with no proper beginning and an ending that... well... to be continued).
*rethink K-sec system, there's a huge problem with the way they investigate, it feels so unnatural. I would go with normal people NPC, some are good, some are bad and will call K-sec. K-sec could also wander around the map (and by wandering I mean walking the map, not just standing waiting for you to get close). Don't have an AI driven by proximity alert but by sight. It's terribly **** to hear K-sec aware of your presence while you're hidden under them and yet be blind when you're in front of them but not close enough to trigger their "engage" script.
*The combats are awesome but are usually taken away by two things. The first is the **** of K-sec, their unnatural response and clearly dumb AI script who lack the adrenaline of the first one where you had AI following you and were really threatening. The second is the lack of threat, faith is so overpowered with this shield thing, you can run in front of a thousands K-sec shooting you with rifle and you'll never die as long as you do movement and tricks to keep your shield up. Weapons should be Lethal, when fired upon, faith needs to run away or find a way to avoid the bullet to get to the enemy. Same thing with Helicopter and drone, when fired upon, you shouldn't be able to survive that long, it doesn't make sense. And the "Shield" name doesn't make sense at all. I would find something else.
These are the main keys I think should be improved to give us a spectacular third game. And yes, I want another game
the long arms looks weird in MEC. the crouching looks weird in MEC. the special moves they add in MEC don't fit (why special moves), too much combat in MEC, base moves had to be unlocked in MEC. open world destroyed pacing in MEC with backtracking and stuff.
in the original mirror's edge it was like a trip. from A to Z. with slow passages and fast passages. But you NEVER back tracked. It was ONE POLISHED EXPERIENCE.
no nostalgia. I played ME1 again just right after i finished MEC. And i still like ME1 much more. The only thing that was nice in MEC is that you can see Faith in cutscenes. Delete the cutscenes and just compare the games. ME1 wins 10:0.
Dude, everything you're saying is going against what most people actually want in another game, you are completely entitled to your own opinion and not all opinions are the same, I respect that, but simply why do you think every single element in mec is bad, yes it had its downfalls, but to me you're simply sh**ing on this game because it's different from the first, different doesn't have to be bad, and in reality it shouldn't be at all... you are going backwards, Why so simply is mec sooooo bad??? I understand your look on the nastolgic feel of the first, but whats so wrong with mec being something new??? The combat is much more fluid now, the gameplay and faiths moveset is 100% smoother, it fits the type of game mec is... all your comments on the most popular discussions in this forum are so negative, all im asking is why? At least mirrors edge actually got to come back, whether it was with gusto or not...
the crouching looks weird in MEC: how so?
the special moves they add in MEC don't fit (why special moves), too much combat in MEC: too much? they wanted to make Faith more capable and strong is what I got from this, I would say they did that
base moves had to be unlocked in MEC: I also didn't like this, but understood why it was added
open world destroyed pacing in MEC with backtracking and stuff., n the original mirror's edge it was like a trip. from A to Z. with slow passages and fast passages. But you NEVER back tracked. It was ONE POLISHED EXPERIENCE: I mean...we knew it was open world long before it was out, I get some don't like it but it's not like they sprang it on us
From your list it sounds like you just wanted ME1 HD, not that there's anything wrong with that.
There's an equilibrium to be found between what you say and what MEC did as I stated in numerous posts before.
Overall, MEC is a much smoother First Person experience centered around the gameplay, which is what the Mirror's Edge saga is really about (its uniqueness).
I get the feeling of what you refers as the long arms and the crouch, no problemo, yet it's 100% accurate and the reason is if you use Ansel, you will realize that you're actually moving a 3D character inside the game (and the animations are near perfect to be honest).
Where it all fall apart is actually the accuracy of the the game in terms of eyes placement and field of view. It looks very discomforting because they had to make a choice but if you look of how the game engine works with Ansel, you'll realize that you're actually playing a 3D characters doing all the realistic situations and that the camera is exactly set at the eyes placement but because the field of view had to be increased, you have some weird sensation of distortion of the environment (resulting in weird and unsettling pictures of faith body because you can look at it through a narrow monitor while in reality it's only accessible to your eyes' vision beyond the 90° field of view (which is already above the equivalent of a 50mm lens on a S35 sensor matching human eyes' distortion but not field of view). It's a compromise. Yeah might not look the best but it makes the experience practical.
I don't think the problem of MEC comes from the "too much" combat but rather from the perspective of the ennemies which oppose no threats and so favor the player to engage multiple ennemies at once. On the opposite, one could say that ME1 combat were very messy and the mechanic was very rough and not enjoyable (and not even challenging with the slow motion mod). There's a compromise to be made for the next installment IMO where ennemies are deadly (ennemies will weapons can't just shoot at you a thousands time with that shield thing) but on the opposite combats should be fun and rewarding unlike the first one where it's about grabbing the first enemy gun and shooting around. The combat system looks nice, all it needs is to correct the AI behaving (engage by visibility and not distance, multiples ennemies can attack you and not just one by one, ennemies can pursue you and don't stay in one area locked).
Yes yes true about the first ME which ME:C "somehow lacked" and I said somehow because I'm, referring mostly with the story elements being a complete mess in ME:C while ME at least managed to have some sort of narrative from A to Z to show us a path. But in the end, ME feels like a game you achieved once, you liked the experience but it becomes very repetitive and closed in possibilities (not wanted for a parkour game in my opinion) whereas ME:C really shine when it's about using the player's creativity to navigate the environment. It's a foot on the right direction but now it need to improves upon it and really delivers a story and less repetitive elements if it want to enter the arena of triple A games that scores high. Faith has really the potential to be one of game's most memorable character, but it needs a story and a good one. A Classic tail that's universal and that makes a connection with the player, not something that forces us to sat down and enjoy the show by having the characters doing things and caring for people we don't know because we haven't been properly introduced.
To each one his own opinion, I liked ME a lot, I liked ME:C a lot two, each one has its strength. But to be honest I just play ME:C now because of the updated gameplay that feels much smoother and more creative than the repetition ME1 has to offer having finish it about 10 times. I think the multiplayer also sets the right track for Mirror's Edge, not that it should be the priority but it's definitely a feature expanding the lifespam of the game and that truly takes out the most of what the game has to offer.