i think at this stage majority have played and obviously finished the game. several topics have appeared what they have liked and disliked, what could have been done better and so forth.
to keep it a bit tidier and hopefully also more readable for the developers, i thought i start a wish list what we like to see or not see for the next title. so as changes.
so here are mine for the moment:
- keep solar fields for the great music
- keep the open world setting
- diversity of side missions (see witcher 3)
- more character development
- being able to go down to the streets and be among civilians
- civilians react to the actions of faith if being pushed away too often and Ksec gets alerted
- a "new game+" mode
-more uses for the magrope
-more areas to explore
-different ways of executing a combat move
-more combat moves
-more story missions
-access to skyscrapers in open world
-larger side missions
-more enemy types
-more free running tricks/moves
This all I could think of for the moment!!!
I also think it would be good to:
Keep Solar Fields
Keep the art direction team
Make Sky City and the Shard available in free roam
Keep the map of Glass the same size but add more depth- allow us to enter buildings, interact with NPCS, explore levels starting from the streets and going up etc.
Or you could do that and extend the map.
agreed, i feel making the open world more dense would add to the exploration a significant chunk of better free roam, and definitely add more districts and such, i feel if we are going to get DLC i would like to see at least 2 or 3 more districts, with dense areas of buildings and such.
solar fields was suburb yet again, if they didn't hire him again for music i would be extremely upset because the sounds and music he can create is part of the mirrors edge world, and mirrors edge wouldn't sound the same with out him.
there is also nothing wrong with the art style, so definitely keep the art direction team, just maybe if there will be new areas, give those areas a completely different color palate, but of course keep the pristine glossy whites as the base color.
Now what I think could/should be improved:
-Immersion in the Open World. I would love to see more paths in the game from ground level to rooftop pretty much across the map. It would be interesting to see various threat too with cops/security heavy on ground level and populated areas and more relaxed on supposed inaccessible rooftop (no big deal for a runner though
-AI, something should be done here to goes back to the basics. ME:C AI felt worse than ME in many ways. I like the whole development of Kruger Sec, each specialty of the troops but the AI was dumb and that focus shield thing completely killed the experience of being challenged. You're not superman, you're just a girl good at fighting and running. No bullets should hit you. If they do, you're dead. I think it's much more interesting to have deadly troop with fire arm than what ME:C brought with fire arms troops being the weakest ennemies. Also, I'd love to see less patrol group of 4 that feels totally scripted and that does nothing beside waiting that you engage them but I'd love to have security roam around the streets, check some rooftops and move. Just give them a bit of life. I finally wish there were troopers, like the sentinels that could do great at melee against you but could also follow you pretty much everywhere (probably not as good but still close) so you would have situations where you would need to escapes. Also, remove the 1v1 AI engagement. I don't know why many games having a melee systems do this today, it looks like a terrible hollywood cliché where it is believe that only 1 enemy will attack you at a time. If there are 3 people with melee, make them hit you together and if you got in their grip, too bad for you! The point is not to make the game easy or hard, it's to make it consistent. Having ennemies sitting beside the one you engage waiting patiently that you remove their companion to engage you is a game killing experience.
-Story needs somehow to be more fleshed out. Probably less surreal futuristic political background. I'd like to see something a bit more grounded to reality like the first ME. Not in terms of settings (I don't mind and in fact liked the futuristic city) it's just that reflection was a bit too much for me. The political assassination worked IMO much better in the first one despite its simplicity. I also like epic idealism story, it's just it went to far apart and I felt a bit disconnected to the plot. Maybe an attempt to find balance here would really help the single player experience. I like the political background/context that both game portrayed but it has somehow to create a connection with the player and not just send infos straight in your face.
-Character development, here is a very weak spot to ME:C IMO, everything went way too fast and the expanded universe doesn't adds much to any of the protagonist/antagonist. I barely have any idea who and what are the runners in ME:C while ME within the first cinematic made things pretty clear and revolved well around the idea. Cabale were all a copy/paste and interactions with runner never went further a few line of uninteresting dialog.
It would have been okay for the first ME since characters development goes along the story but here in an open world it needs to find a new way to make it more clever. Cabales has to mean something, Runners to be more connected with the player to get a sense to where you stand in this world.
*Possibility to create your own cabale. Some sort of basic sandbox, nothing too fancy again but just enough to make some place you call home. I always loved the first cabale in ME where Faith, Celeste and Merc goes. This old vent thing rehabilitated was a great idea. ME:C felt a bit like a copy paste where each cabale were either something on a rooftop conveniently hidden behind four walls or an un-achieved building. It need to be IMO re-worked a give more to the backstory with each cabale having its own "soul" and not the exact same repetitive furniture with the same look. There are many runners and there should be as many different tastes in terms of cabale just to make them stands alone. I'm not asking for gigantic cabale, in fact I think cabales are more effective if there are small, just that they feels unique and you go like "Oh yeah! That cabale" and not "I don't know which one you're talking about, let me check the map".
*Skills based on player practice rather than experience points (XP). I like the idea of having tools that help you unlock new area and I also very much liked the fact you don't start overpowered with every stats maxed out like the first game but, I don't think XP point was the right way. I'd love to see a more subtle approach where for example walking on a wall 100 times allows you to make 1 more steps without falling on a wall or when jumping 100 time from 2 meters allows you to then jump from 3 meters... Stats would be based on player practice, just like sport without requiring to take down K-sec to learn "roll" (lol somebody explains me how attacking people gain you skills to perform parkour trick please
Overall, I think ME and ME:C were good game but there are still areas that needs some improvement to go from "good" to "great" in my opinion (but if it's up to me, I think both games are masterpiece
If a multiplayer there is to be included next, I wouldn't love a fest of running kids all around the place (and it wouldn't make much sense with the universe).
But let's say you could gather a lobby to add 3 of your friends with you making a total of 4 to either have small objectives or roam around, that could be cool. It's not necessary and I wouldn't want them to focus too much on it but if it were in, I wouldn't say not to it.
Otherwise I still want them to maintain the beat L.E. and MOST OF ALL the time trials. This is the true diamond of the game.
The story started off well with Faith, Dogen and Noah's plotline because it was personal and relatable. I'll admit that they tried to make Kruger personal to Faith as well, because of what he did to her parents and how he took in her sister (which worked), but in the end I was a bit emotionally cut off from the Reflection aspect of the story.
Even in Faith's cabal, there were a lot of runners around in the cutscene when she's first released from prison and reunites with Noah. But after that, they all disappeared, apart from two runners practising wallruns in the Lair. But even they only served as visual NPCs, and they don't come back when you finish the game either. Although characters such as Ayesha and Caleb are mentioned, we never get to meet them. I was kind of disappointed because one of the reasons why I was excited for Catalyst was to meet more Runners and to include them in the storyline.
I like your idea of more subtle approach to unlocking skills, so hopefully the developer teams find a balance between making it too easy/irrelevant and too tedious, because players don't have all the time or patience in the world.
Other than that, you've made some pretty good points @GeoffreyOmega.
It's mostly concerning the SP mission which could help boost the story subtly without the need to have a major written story with a lots of dialog. The first ME showcased us a wide variety of environment (rooftop, ground, subway, server, work in progress tower, shard, dock, in a boat, on a metro/train...)
There were a lot that was going on and each mission felt very unique whereas ME:C despite having different settings kept pretty much the same setting for each mission:
-Go on top of this tower (Elyseum, Shard, Benefactor and all these random missions)
-Grab something (or activate something)
-Get out
For obvious purpose this felt very repetitive in the end and it did not make us realize how much diversity helps faith's motive.
Secondly, there were a lot of missions that were just there to fill the gaps and felt completely pointless like the one in the underground where you have to drop K-Sec computer into the abyss because it controls automatic turrets. This mission just had one purpose: Made us discover the underground (which weren't as impressive in terms of design, sorry Dice, as the first game) and that was pretty much it. I really did not understand why there would be K-Sec here, why wouldn't they come back right after if they've learned Black November hideout was here? It just felt wrong narrative speaking and it was kind of the casual game "side mission" that really doesn't gives you anything beside XP.
Another one that was a nod to the original game but ultimately looked weird was the train to go to the shard. It almost looks like a shy playable cut-scene of a few seconds that got me totally non-involved in what I was doing. I wish the game would have been a bit more organic concerning the SP campaign with more tools for us to play with after (like for example having the possibility during the entire game to jump on train and use them to get to some points, which by looking at the city rail system would have been purely fantastic, it really look great and I wish I could go that high up where train goes sometimes).
Same thing concerning the server, they are supposed to be under the "entire city" and yet somehow it's just a very tiny area that really doesn't stands out compared to the rest of the level design outside.
I would have preferred the open world probably to be a bit less wide above but that covers much more playground in different levels going from server to rooftop in the full map. Even having the possibility to access at least one Oil Tanker/boat like in the first one at the dock would be fantastic. It just creates different possibilities where you can apply your skill and not simply on the concrete of the rooftop.
Something I think that should be kept though compared to the first one is the combat system. It's really great now and faith is really kickass. But, she shouldn't be able to take so many bullets with shield.
Pretty much lol.
The last mission to subvert the train system so you could travel to the Shard? I didn't like it. It was frustrating and a bit of a letdown as we didn't even get to see the full journey to the Shard anyway. We just end up in the actual place in the next cutscene.
As for your suggestion of train-hopping through the City of Glass- what a great idea! I've always loved seeing those trains go whizzing past, and it would be great to just sit on one for a while as it takes you on a scenic tour of the districts. It would be so much more immersive and visually pleasing. Also, it could actually be something that real Runners do from time to time in the story. Who wouldn't want to glide through the a midnight Glass all the way up in the air?
Your point about the open world covering more ground and being less wide- I agree with that too.
I sometimes noticed Youtubers kept complaining about how clustered the city is, and I think they're just wrong. It's a heavily populated city with over 1300000 people living in Glass. I'm sure they need lots of buildings. And for a futuristic Dystopian city, it's a great idea for me. They wanted an open world, then there will be lots of buildings. Right? Just like playing any other Open world games, mostly GTA games, I often got lost in the city. But after many many hours of gameplay, I eventually get to master where is my safehouse. Doesn't matter how cluttery the city is. Just like in Catalyst, I totally memorize where to go home. This game taught me lots of things including self navigation in the real world. God I love this game. :-)
good wishes here. i really hope they take notice of it.
ME was pretty original and advanced for its generation, I'm sure.
Wow, really? I don't think the city is cluttered with buildings at all. In fact the architecture of Glass is one of the strong points in the game. And yes, after playing for so long, I can navigate areas and run whole pathways through the city without using Runner Vision. Doing the side missions helps with that as well, if you're not successful on the first go and have to repeat it.
Imagine not only running from rooftop to rooftop to get through the city, but train-hopping all the way home. It seems a much faster and more scenic route, although more dangerous too, but isn't that what Running is about?
And yes, do the developers have their people trawling through these comments to find what players think of their game or do we have to comment on more official polls? Because there is a huge wealth of player feedback in these forums.
Yeah, the trailer kind of ruined it on this one. It was also so underdeveloped that each reunion with her screamed "sister" to be honest.
The first trailer of the game seemed to have much more depth though when it's about story telling:
Like the scene where Nomad and Icarus follow faith, or the few random cinematic showcasing faith's action and even one very intriguing shot of Gabriel Kruger looking at the city through a window. I wonder if these were actually done for cinematic purpose or if there were uncompleted chunk of the game that never made it to the final release?
LOL. And that is why we get unfinished products. No patience…
The only thing that has been confirmed by DICE probably is SW Battlefront 2.
Never played Battlefront before, so maybe going to buy one.
at least battlefront 2 will have a campaign which the first one was missing. only MP, nothing more, and it was nothing exciting either. i have played the beta and the more i have played it, the less fun and interested i became of it.
what is interesting that battlefront 2 will have you play as trooper from the imperial fleet. not sure what trooper now but it continues were epi 6 (the movie) left off.
now it would be nice to hear something regarding ME. just infos that they are working on the third title will make me happy enough.
– make Open World optional
*cynism off* -_-
To be honest, Single Player experience story isn't Dice strongest point. They shine bright in fresh gameplay and multiplayer, narrowing the game to what they do the worse is probably not what's going to make the next installment great. ME1 is a perfect example, it's a game you love the gameplay, you love the design and you love the music but story and heroes progression is such ****. Even the big reveal of the Icarus project and Celeste had me like "whatever". ME:C is also on the league with that, there's not a moment I feel a single thing for anyone and every revelation is kinda like "hm... okay".
I'd really wish they succeed for the next game with the story and "linear" aspect of the tale but I also wouldn't want that to be on top of gameplay mechanic which is the primary reason to play the game and I would love to still be able to navigate the map freely without having to be forced by the story to progress from A to B simply because if the story is bad, the game won't have much for itself anymore.