Just wondering if anything will be revealed/shown for Mirror's Edge at E3 this year, I'm hoping for some DLC content that continues the story and opens up the city some more, maybe add some more side content, possibly even more detail into the city. Perhaps employs on rooftops could possibly do something other than stand in one spot? Probably not, but crossing my fingers for some new content, it's been a while since the release, I think it's about time.
What did they recall about mirrors edge on the 30th of September?? I can't seem to remember anything...
Nothing new, that was just the last time they posted anything on the social media pages
Patience is a virtue. -Birdman
I wish something gets announced at E3. This franchise has so much potential, and most of the leg-work (no pun intended
Let's hope EA does more with this IP, I've been under the impression as of late that they're more focused on external licenses like Star Wars than anything else, hope this isn't the case. But hey, we live in a world where Shenmue 3 is happening; it can happen! :-)
(Some key dev's did leave though like Erik Odeldahl, hope that doesn't impact their chances).
C'mon EA, we understand that sports and star wars licenses is an important part of your portfolio, but your own IP's matter too and big or small, we'd be thankful of any recognition or support they'd get. A small scale downloadable title using many of the engine/gameplay assets of ME:C would be huge, hopefully they can see the value in that and building their community, it's unfortunate if DICE's scope is narrowed down to Battlefield/Battlefront games only...
Aside from Mirror's Edge or Battlefield, I actually missed the days where they made Rally racing games.
I've played a few of em and they were great at that time! I was kinda hoping that one day they'd bring back their Racing video game and not just hoping on Ghost games with Need For Speed.
I mean, ME1 had wonderful levels, but also a very strong ludonarrative dissonance (you were supposed to be a runner, but more often than not on the first playthrough you were forced to stop and look for the actual way to go) and it was designed with the assumption that players would eventually go back to those levels and master them.
but now, replayability is not a thing anymore , gamers don't want to git gud at a game, so for MEC they made this giant openworld full of things to do and designed the main story maps with the "faith is a runner, let's just make her run and not give her a reason to stop" , problem is by doing so the story missions ended up being a "just run straight ahead" fest and ultimately the easiest part of the game.
so yeah my expectations are kinda low on that regard.
Maybe they planned but wanted to change something after the reviews, thats why they've been so quiet or they've never had the time to create a DLC because of their other games, but now they can focuse on ME, in my opinion. Tomorrow is the day, let's just see.
i am particularly going to keep my eyes out for something mirrors edge related, i am hoping so much that they announce something, because in reality that would be absolutely awesome to have more mirrors edge...