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Beta keys for frontrunners — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
I got my code. I went through the motions and launched Origin, but there's nothing to indicate how to download and install the game? Does it happen automatically?
I got my code. I went through the motions and launched Origin, but there's nothing to indicate how to download and install the game? Does it happen automatically?
You need to click the Origin dropdown in the top left hand corner of Origin itself and click "Redeem product code"
Image for reference: http://prntscr.com/avglkq
After the product has been activated, you can then go to the "My Games" tab and install from there.
I got a code and a friend code
But getting error redeeming on ps4
Please help
I would call EA. I redeemed on my ps4 just fine. Also not sure if it matters but when redeeming try doing the letters in Caps if you didn't. Idk if that makes a difference or not but its worth trying.
Image for reference: http://prntscr.com/avglkq
After the product has been activated, you can then go to the "My Games" tab and install from there.
But getting error redeeming on ps4
Please help
I would call EA. I redeemed on my ps4 just fine. Also not sure if it matters but when redeeming try doing the letters in Caps if you didn't. Idk if that makes a difference or not but its worth trying.