Is the Phenom II problem going to be being rectified now or before the beta ends? I would like to know so I can know whether or not to go ahead and delete the game from Origin. No need to for it to take up my valuable hard drive space if you made the game not playable on my system, right? What saddens me is a Phenom II would run this game very comfortably, imho, too, which is incomprehensible on my end that you did to integrate it into your programming of this game. It just doesn't make sense, unless the developers are trying to phase out the Phenom II cpu. This cpu has been very good to me gaming wise until these issues started to arise recently. I hope you are kind enough to respond to my query promptly and I thank you in advance if so.
So I ask this question to - are the delveopers working on this issue or shall I delete the game from my hardisk and don't buy the game as I had a plan on doing?
For me, VincentOK had replied me, saying that we was aware of that problem and reported back to the dev teams.
Altough, VincentOK owns this forum, but i don't think that he is aware of how the development team work going with the problems.
So we can just hope, that someone working there might give an answer to VincentOK so he can reply to us.
I guess he knows has much as we do.
Well in the meantime, it was weekend, i bet they were all on their homes with their familys.
But since the beta ends tomorrow, i don't think we going to get anything fixed for the phenom II.
I would love to know too if i can pre-order or not, cause i am not going to spend money to have a crash on startup on launch day XD
Well MGS V was a bug, Quantum Break i do believe the SSE 4.1 is really needed.
Quantum break uses a middleware for doing physical transformations of objects in real time, it requires massive power only for that and new math formulas, they don't own the middleware, so i guess that middleware might really require that, but this is just speculation.
As for Mirrors edge, i can't see nothing here that should require SSE 4.1, in fact if they produced a new engine, i would understand if they left out SSE 4A and SSE3 processor for having better efficient instruction sets, but the engine is the same as the NFS or Battlefront, and the game is nothing different comparing to many other games out there.
So either they don't really care about this, or the game still haves a lot of work and they still need to add that, since only the newer PC's are priority, which is completely normal in my POV.
This beta is from 31 march, this client/version have already one month, who knows if the things are already fixed, or who knows if they even go fix it in the upcoming months.
One thing is for sure, they have almost 2 months to do it, which seems plenty of time to me.
In the other hand, they can just **** on us, cause requirements are available and the minimums are the FX processor, so even if we complain, they can just say.. Ho well you don't have the minimum requirements, so they maybe clean their hands with that.
But still the requirements don't seem to be final, they are not there on the Origin store on the game's page, it's only on this forum.
But it is disappointing in my POV that they don't have an answer regarding this.
I would love to really know if we can wait in piece for the final game and get it to play on the launch day.
Or if we can already forget about this game until we upgrade.
The lack of communication is what killing me.
I would appreciete a thousand times, if they were honest and sayed already that our cpus won't run the game in the future, than this lack os answers.
VicentOK judging for its words, done its job, so i guess he can't do more about this now, and we just need to wait.
I wouldn't hold my breath for a response on this beta. I am almost certainly that we aren't going to have our doubts answered until the launch day.