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I have tweeted ea & dice everyone I am just getting over bladder cancer,I am not wanting anything in front of anyone its Sunday 3am,but people with serious illness don't have the energy to race to type,in when they release the codes on Twitter all at once, I signed up for closed beta,got nothing,just feel let down reading this forum shows that there are good people out there,but dice And Ea & mirrors edge have done nothing,if anyone does have. a spare Eu ps4 that would be great thanks,
Hi I have tried to contact ea and dice no response,I have cancer,which means I am slower to do things,I can't do the codes fast enough plz can anyone have a spare eu ps4 key,thankyou
Hi I have bladder cancer I can't do the codes quick enough,plz can anyone help I have never been on forums before but I just would like a ps4 eu key,nobody seems to care,i may not be able to play the main game in June,life is hard
i have to wait 5 mins to msg you. im giving a ps4 one for ur pc one
Do u have one i could maybe have please :C ?
If so type it in here so i could add u or something and send it to me there
PM me for exchange.