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So, half of the map is in the beta?! - Page 2 — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
As soon as the official map was posted on the website, I compared it to the map that you guys were talking about before. I went and outlined the area of the map that's actually in the game. Assuming that DVDSpike was right about the area in the Beta, the full game is many times the size of the Beta[img]
Still a little skeptical about the amount of actual playable space, but if that's playable space then dang!
I got that straight from the official website. Although I understand that that's a lot of area. I'm a little skeptical myself. Some might be backdrop. But then again, our expectations may be blown away
*Update, DICE have confirmed that the ENTIRE area there is playable on Twitter!
to me I think the map is consistently better than the first its actually noticeable instead of being confued about where to go I relied too much on the circle button on the first game and I hope it will change with cataliyst
so i have created a few discussions about the map size... but i have a little bit of confusion about the news that has been released. when mirrors edge released the 3D map, they said the anchor district was up first, the anchor district is to the right of the Zephyr Transit Hub where also a tall skyscraper stands... and Downtown is to the left, downtown was the area we got to play in, in the beta... on various sites it says the anchor district is huge, and i'm starting to think that they thought the anchor district was the whole area first shown in the 3D map... i'm not completely sure as this is probably not true considering the areas are marked. But i know for sure that the area shown marked with names holds Downtown, The anchor, The view up the top from the anchor and the development zone down the bottom left... is the map going to hold more districts shown in the coming weeks or parts of each district expanded?? i know on twitter that mirrors edge said that the whole map shown in 3D is explorable... but i'm getting generally confused about it as there has been so much said about it...
They meant when they said the districts are added, they are just marked on the map. The whole map we can see is not all open world. The districts that are/will be marked on the map are the parts that we are able to free roam. People are misinterpreting that the WHOLE of the map is in fact just part of the full map. When in reality the labeled part of the map is the map we get in the game. It's still big, and I think that we will also be able to go to different parts of the map/skyscrapers in the main missions too.
Anyone know how many districts there will be? is it 4?
They meant when they said the districts are added, they are just marked on the map. The whole map we can see is not all open world. The districts that are/will be marked on the map are the parts that we are able to free roam. People are misinterpreting that the WHOLE of the map is in fact just part of the full map. When in reality the labeled part of the map is the map we get in the game. It's still big, and I think that we will also be able to go to different parts of the map/skyscrapers in the main missions too.
Anyone know how many districts there will be? is it 4?
That's what I've been trying to tell other people on this forum. The 3D map is not all explorable. And yes there are 4 districts: Anchor, The View, Downtown, and Development Zone. There is also two other areas: The Shard and the OmniStat Tunnels. The tunnels are part of the Development Zone.
Thank you... i knew something wasn't right when they said the whole map shown was explorable... i was reading peoples comments about how huge it will be but i kept on thinking that they thought it was the whole 3d part shown, when i was like that can't be right because those areas are not marked and the buildings seem to spaced apart and small... but who knows, we could be blown away, there could be another area the size of the areas currently marked that they haven't put into the 3d map yet... but i'm not going to raise my hopes. either way the parts of the map marked are still big, and the omnistat tunnels might get expanded, who knows but there will still be lots to do... i just got so confused because people were saying its gonna be absolutely huge, and then mirrors edge on twitter says "the whole map is explorable" and all... so then i initially thought the whole 3D area was going to have parts to explore. Both sides didn't really make sense after a while...
Even by looking at the map you can tell there's areas where the buildings don't look like they would be good for running. at the edge of the map
Yeah, if you look at all the buildings in each marked area they are either more detailed or are connected by bridges... but i also read some of the mirrors edge tweets that people are reading, these are the tweets...
The beta has only shown you a small part of the city. In the released game, there will be more available.
The whole city will be explorable.
It’s huge. And we’ll show you more in the coming weeks.
You’ll get to roam freely in Glass at your own pace and unlock it’s different districts, from skyscrapers to hidden tunnels.
There will be lots of hidden places to discover in the city, if you keep an eye out for them.
Who knows what mirrors edge will show about the map in the coming weeks... but i reckon that the areas with names are the places we can explore only...
Bird, you have a point with these names, I'm afraid...
However, I also have something to counter that and to point out that the playable area might be larger than we think:
It's the corporation buildings. If you look closely on the map, you see the names of five corporations on various buildings:
Callaghan, Kruger Sec and Elysium around Downtown...
plus Gastro Fusion and Anansi in Anchor disctrict!
So that makes 5 corporate buildings I've found. 5. Out of 13! (According to this article, it's 13 corporations totally.)
So where is the rest of the corporations?
Where's Maya Media group? (I've figured it out... and it's way, waaay far from Downtown, Anchor and so Should I tell you how I found out?)
In order to conclude my point: If ALL corporate houses are there to explore (and would the devs really promote the corporations that heavily if it wasn't the case?) - I still have reason to hope that the WHOLE map will be exploreable!
Bird, you have a point with these names, I'm afraid...
However, I also have something to counter that and to point out that the playable area might be larger than we think:
It's the corporation buildings. If you look closely on the map, you see the names of five corporations on various buildings:
Callaghan, Kruger Sec and Elysium around Downtown...
plus Gastro Fusion and Anansi in Anchor disctrict!
So that makes 5 corporate buildings I've found. 5. Out of 13! (According to this article, it's 13 corporations totally.)
So where is the rest of the corporations?
Where's Maya Media group? (I've figured it out... and it's way, waaay far from Downtown, Anchor and so Should I tell you how I found out?)
In order to conclude my point: If ALL corporate houses are there to explore (and would the devs really promote the corporations that heavily if it wasn't the case?) - I still have reason to hope that the WHOLE map will be exploreable!
you have a very good point!!! i agree with you heaps on that... i really really do now that i think about... you would definitely think that if they talked about each corporation, you would think they all have something to do with the story... its something you have picked out well that no one else has thought of... i agree with you on it... this could mean that the map is actually bigger than we think... but i am going to keep my expectations and hype on the map size not extreme for the moment until dice have shown the fool map...
Bird, you have a point with these names, I'm afraid...
Where's Pirandello?
Don't know exactly where the other ones are, but Pirandello building was visible in the Beta. It's the skyscraper in Shimmering Heights within the Anchor. So this might mean that those corporations you listed don't have a visible sign on the 3D map.
It could be that we do get to go to places all around the whole map, however, these places will only be accessible during main missions, instead of being part of the free roam area, like the original mirror's edge chapters or like the intro mission (although that did take place in the development zone). This would mean that the level designers don't have to design the levels to be played in all 4 directions, and the levels could be tailor made. which makes things easier for them.
Well, yes, a good bunch of levels could be outside the free roaming area. Which isn't bad at all, because some tight levels outside the open world give the devs more freedom for complex level-design.
Maybe I should tell you now about the Maya Media building:
Now scroll down to Maya Media and look at the picture. You will notice that MM has a very thin building, and from above it must look like pretty oval, with two opposite edges. If you explore the map, you'll see that there are such buildings, but only west of Downtown (if the shard is the north). That group of skyscrapers there... two of them are shaped liked that. I'm fairly sure one of them is MM.
So this could be one of these tailored levels. Maybe.
Well, yes, a good bunch of levels could be outside the free roaming area. Which isn't bad at all, because some tight levels outside the open world give the devs more freedom for complex level-design.
Maybe I should tell you now about the Maya Media building:
Now scroll down to Maya Media and look at the picture. You will notice that MM has a very thin building, and from above it must look like pretty oval, with two opposite edges. If you explore the map, you'll see that there are such buildings, but only west of Downtown (if the shard is the north). That group of skyscrapers there... two of them are shaped liked that. I'm fairly sure one of them is MM.
So this could be one of these tailored levels. Maybe.
That's a good point. These places might not be in free roam but could be mission areas.
i did some thinking and talked a friend about he thinks that maybe Dice isn't lying... because to be honest, that would be pretty uncool, and if they said the whole map is explorable but in reality its not as big as we think it to be (like the whole 3D area) then it could rise up serious debates about them lying. i'm not saying they are lying but when they say in their tweet that its huge and the whole map is explorable, maybe they are being serious... but i'm not completely sure though, so maybe there is a really big surprise install, maybe they just haven't detailed or put any other areas in so they don't spoil to much about the map... so we could be surprised... they still have more to show us this week... but who knows...
Even by looking at the map you can tell there's areas where the buildings don't look like they would be good for running. at the edge of the map
I don't know, I'm looking at the map, specifically along the edges, and I think that they look better for running than in the Downtown area. They're less dense, but are situated in lines. It's sort of hard to explain so I'll post a screenshot.
I could totally see ziplines or something connecting these to each other. And do you see how they are long stretches of building, fit for running? Anyway, that's just my opinion.
Even by looking at the map you can tell there's areas where the buildings don't look like they would be good for running. at the edge of the map
I don't know, I'm looking at the map, specifically along the edges, and I think that they look better for running than in the Downtown area. They're less dense, but are situated in lines. It's sort of hard to explain so I'll post a screenshot.
I could totally see ziplines or something connecting these to each other. And do you see how they are long stretches of building, fit for running? Anyway, that's just my opinion.
Even by looking at the map you can tell there's areas where the buildings don't look like they would be good for running. at the edge of the map
I don't know, I'm looking at the map, specifically along the edges, and I think that they look better for running than in the Downtown area. They're less dense, but are situated in lines. It's sort of hard to explain so I'll post a screenshot.
I could totally see ziplines or something connecting these to each other. And do you see how they are long stretches of building, fit for running? Anyway, that's just my opinion.
Or maybe perhaps the map isn't 100% ready yet...
I think possibly that if it is bigger, it isn't fully complete like you said... so maybe, we will be surprised!!!!
I'm a fanboy so my hopes for the map size are that the map we are given on the website is near enough fully explorable. When you look at some of the different points in the different trailers, then you can see that Faith is in different locations throughout the game. I knew this because of the way I worked out where Faith's bearings are in sync with the pointy landmark that I assume is the start of a bridge. The landmark appears far away at different bearings constantly, especially in the e3 2014 trailer at the very end.
Plus, compare this map to the beta map. This one is so much bigger, yet the official tweets and developers all say that this map is the one to go by, so who knows.
Looking at the map in the website, and the map in the beta, half the city (or more) is just background. It can be seen clearly that the playing zones have connected buildings and more layers in the rooftops, while the rest of the city doesn't have those. Also in the beta you could move the cursor over the zones and the playable ones had indications of the respective collectibles. If the entire Downtown wasn't in the beta, then almost all of it was. We could also see the underground map in the beta, as we can now in the website and it's just a small zone, smaller than any of the districts. It's not necessarily bad that the whole city isn't available, but it's been misleading.
Come on guys it's easy to understand which areas are playable. The areas surrounding the named locations are playable. All of the rest is background.
New areas are being added to the map, about a day ago Development Zone G was added
But it was already there when they first released the map. You can see where the View is going to be as well. It's the Ocean Pier and Regatta Bay area.
Not including the underground map. There's a whole other map that's under the whole main map we will get when the game is released... So this game and map is about to be HUGE!
I have a theory that what has been marked on the 3D map is the area what you will have until you complete the story then the whole city unlocks for you at the end.
I got that straight from the official website. Although I understand that that's a lot of area. I'm a little skeptical myself. Some might be backdrop. But then again, our expectations may be blown away
*Update, DICE have confirmed that the ENTIRE area there is playable on Twitter!
Anyone know how many districts there will be? is it 4?
That's what I've been trying to tell other people on this forum. The 3D map is not all explorable. And yes there are 4 districts: Anchor, The View, Downtown, and Development Zone. There is also two other areas: The Shard and the OmniStat Tunnels. The tunnels are part of the Development Zone.
Yeah, if you look at all the buildings in each marked area they are either more detailed or are connected by bridges... but i also read some of the mirrors edge tweets that people are reading, these are the tweets...
The beta has only shown you a small part of the city. In the released game, there will be more available.
The whole city will be explorable.
It’s huge. And we’ll show you more in the coming weeks.
You’ll get to roam freely in Glass at your own pace and unlock it’s different districts, from skyscrapers to hidden tunnels.
There will be lots of hidden places to discover in the city, if you keep an eye out for them.
Who knows what mirrors edge will show about the map in the coming weeks... but i reckon that the areas with names are the places we can explore only...
However, I also have something to counter that and to point out that the playable area might be larger than we think:
It's the corporation buildings. If you look closely on the map, you see the names of five corporations on various buildings:
Callaghan, Kruger Sec and Elysium around Downtown...
plus Gastro Fusion and Anansi in Anchor disctrict!
So that makes 5 corporate buildings I've found. 5. Out of 13! (According to this article, it's 13 corporations totally.)
So where is the rest of the corporations?
Where's Maya Media group? (I've figured it out... and it's way, waaay far from Downtown, Anchor and so
Where's silvine?
Where's Everdyne Energy?
Where's Pirandello?
Where's Bryson? (introduced in this tweet)
In order to conclude my point: If ALL corporate houses are there to explore (and would the devs really promote the corporations that heavily if it wasn't the case?) - I still have reason to hope that the WHOLE map will be exploreable!
you have a very good point!!! i agree with you heaps on that... i really really do now that i think about... you would definitely think that if they talked about each corporation, you would think they all have something to do with the story... its something you have picked out well that no one else has thought of... i agree with you on it... this could mean that the map is actually bigger than we think... but i am going to keep my expectations and hype on the map size not extreme for the moment until dice have shown the fool map...
Don't know exactly where the other ones are, but Pirandello building was visible in the Beta. It's the skyscraper in Shimmering Heights within the Anchor. So this might mean that those corporations you listed don't have a visible sign on the 3D map.
wouldn't put a bet on it though...
Maybe I should tell you now about the Maya Media building:
This article introduced us to some corporations.
Now scroll down to Maya Media and look at the picture. You will notice that MM has a very thin building, and from above it must look like pretty oval, with two opposite edges. If you explore the map, you'll see that there are such buildings, but only west of Downtown (if the shard is the north). That group of skyscrapers there... two of them are shaped liked that. I'm fairly sure one of them is MM.
So this could be one of these tailored levels. Maybe.
That's a good point. These places might not be in free roam but could be mission areas.
I don't know, I'm looking at the map, specifically along the edges, and I think that they look better for running than in the Downtown area. They're less dense, but are situated in lines. It's sort of hard to explain so I'll post a screenshot.
I could totally see ziplines or something connecting these to each other. And do you see how they are long stretches of building, fit for running? Anyway, that's just my opinion.
Or maybe perhaps the map isn't 100% ready yet...
I think possibly that if it is bigger, it isn't fully complete like you said... so maybe, we will be surprised!!!!
Plus, compare this map to the beta map. This one is so much bigger, yet the official tweets and developers all say that this map is the one to go by, so who knows.
New areas are being added to the map, about a day ago Development Zone G was added
But it was already there when they first released the map. You can see where the View is going to be as well. It's the Ocean Pier and Regatta Bay area.