Now you cant view whole of it anymore
Which comes down to the point that making that whole model to hype up "omg what a big map" came down to the point that apparently only roughly 50% of it will be playable
Still not bad but personally I found that as a cheap trick. Surely they never talked about this (that's why i put the lie part in quotation marks) but first thing when you opened that map on website was being excited about how big it is while now its clear that not all of it is a playable area
Well, anyway, no preorder from my side. Decided to wait till the price will drop a bit and for some reviews about "late game" (personal feeling from beta was like 7/10)
I'm also very concerned about the lenght of the game, about the main storyline that is... In beta after main missions it said we've done like 30% of the story. 30%!
And now I've seen some footage of Xbox one gameplay and game still look the same as it looked in beta. Same horrible low res textures on the building, draw distance practically non existent, background looks like it was made in PAINT... I'm playing on ps4 tho, but I know it won't look magically better there.
I also know there's a difference between high end pc and consoles, but come on. SW Battlefront looked amazing on both consoles, hella better than Catalyst.
However on the other hand the later story missions can be possibly much longer than the early ones - that would increase the story playtime
In anything from such game with open world and side activities, I'd require at least 25 hours of gameplay - story mixed with side activities and side quests. Last such game I've played (as in - open world) was Mad Max which gave me around 43 hours if I'm not mistaken, completed it in 100% along with all achievements. So yeah, 25-30 should be a good score but I simply dont want a story that can be done in 5 hours
We'll see but I'll surely wait for the price to be around 25 usd (currently the cheapest here is around 36-38)
there is lots to do in this game. finding all the fuse boxes, these yellow spheres, delivery missions, etc. also there are more missions to do which were not in the beta. like some challenge towers were you have to deactivate a signal which prevents you from fast traveling. you have to find your way to the switch without triggering the alarm.
i play on PC and have set it to ultra. looks great. smooth, big improvement to the beta. this extreme bloom is gone, only minor glitching and the reflection is much better to look at. only a few parts look a bit blurry but nothing to cry about.
Remember guys, there's "6 Major Areas to explore" and this first trial is only letting us loose in two. Even some stuff in those can't be accessed due to not having the mag rope upgrades necessary yet (the pull down upgrade).
We may have been lied to.
It's possible there may be more updates to the map as we're about 4 days from full release, but judging from the map, the inability to pan to the rest of the city is quite the red flag itself.
Okay, this is a clear contradiction. One of you can't have completed already 50% of the story after only playing "a bunch of main missions" while the other has "done all of the story missions available" and yet is only at 35% story progress.
I hope so. As the playable area is at least three times bigger in the full game, anything less than three times as much missions in the full game than in this early access version would be underwhelming.
The game can have some flaws but a lack of content isn't one of them.
The original game can be completed in 30 minutes without cutscenes. Closer to 50 minutes or an hour with them. Catalyst is much longer.
So, yep, much longer (it wasn't too difficult, though), but a bit disappointing, if it's confirmed.
Yeah, the comics actually set up a very big story, so many things started that need to be concluded: Faith's mothers drawing and how it will get tatooed onto Faith's arm, Celeste, her sister Avani, Black November, working for Dogen, Beatrix Bloch, Noah, Birdman and so on...
But by far my favorite teaser from the comics is The Singer! This strange woman had a scary appearance in issue 2, but it was so short that we just HAVE to meet her again, or that segment from the comic wouldn't be there! I mean, she's like the Blair Witch of Glass or something like that.
Well, I watched a livestream today and Avani was mentionned, I think I heard her name. Dogen and the drawing of Faith's mothertoo; and in the beta I got a conversation fragment where Celeste was mentionned, I just hope she will be in the game *-*
Unless, well, DLCs... ewww
It could be a glitch because as far as the trial goes in the story, it seems to have still barely scratched the surface. The beta showed as completing 36% of the story because it was counting things as the story that weren't part of the story. Maybe the glitch is unfixed. I say this in part because by the point where I completed what we did in the beta, it said 36%, but once I got the story mission after that, it dropped down to 25%. That's after 2 out of the 6 major areas, with the next mission available upon release being back in Downtown. I'm still fairly certain the story will be a solid length. At the point where the trial ends, you've only just met Dogen, Rebecca and Plastic. It would make no sense to have that happen almost halfway or halfway through the game.
You mean 1 hour...
How can one expects that?
I agree whole heartedly!
I can't disagree with this ;P
I came for the parkour, the aesthetics, the city, and the story. And not to my suprise, I got what I wanted ^^