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Can we have some K-Sec patrols on the rooftops while I'm just out and about exploring? Please? - Page 2 — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums

Can we have some K-Sec patrols on the rooftops while I'm just out and about exploring? Please? - Page 2

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Can we have some K-Sec patrols on the rooftops while I'm just out and about exploring? Please?



  • After exploring the rooftop's on The City Of Glass a little while i wanted to fight. the game is a First person fighting and parkour game. after the Main-Missions and Side-Missions there are not much fighting left... axept some other missions like the antenna's you have to destroy...where are the K-SEC guard's?!
  • There is an active thread promoting this idea: https://forums.mirrorsedge.com/discussion/196/can-we-have-some-k-sec-patrols-on-the-rooftops-while-im-just-out-and-about-exploring-please

    And I agree, after completing all of the beta there is pretty much no enemies to fight. The fighting mechanic is so great though and the lack of enemies just doesn't let us experiment and find bugs in combat system.
    Don't get lost...
  • i say this K-SEC thing to try and see if i find a bug in the combat. and i want more K-SEC on the roof.
  • Agree.
  • I agree
  • +1 I got so bored after completing everything and just wanted to fight some K-Sec. Hopefully they add regular patrols and restricted area albeit we should have replay on all the missions in the full game. But repeating missions will also get really boring. Hope this gets heard!
  • BluePhoenix2398
    11 posts
    edited April 2016
    I would LOVE that in the gme I even did a post on it just look for my username on a post or ill just post it here
  • +1 for this idea look at beta feedback for some of my ideas they are peety simalar to SpiffingOldChap's
  • Never thought I'd say this as long as I lived, but yeah. Maybe ME:C should *carefully* take a few pointers from Assassins Creed. If you're not consistently practicing the combat in free roam, you're not going to be doing well when it comes up in the story missions.
  • Yea this would be awesome. It would be cool to see some combat encounters where the K-Sec call in for backup and create a city-alert like during the tower missions.
  • I would love to have people to fight when i finish the game. Time trials and dashes are fun but I would also like to be chased by a couple of Sentinels once in a while in the open world environment. I am going to destroy all the security hubs in no time and I don't want to have to replay story missions just to be able to fight someone!
  • The combat is really fun, I find it beyond enjoyable to smash some k-secs when using traversal attacks. I think though that even in free run, there should be patrols on the rooftops. I've done all the main missions for the beta, but I see that there are zero enemies after doing those tower things and so I find myself craving the need to whoop some baddies. Anyone else agree?
  • There is a big thread somewhere around here of people promoting this very idea, so yeah, a lot of people agree on that.
    Don't get lost...
  • Okay cool, sorry I've just now hopped on the forums and wanted to give my feedback as well
  • + + +
  • If you want to fight enemies,just stand in front of the K-Sec security camera for it to scan,then it blinks blue and K-Sec responds via VTOLs and troops.
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